Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What we've been up to for the last year!


We've had a busy year! It's been a fun year! We've been a lot busier this year than in the past with Ronnie's recent promotion to a Team Lead at ConService. He Loves his job and I'm so glad he gets to do something that he's so good at. He's such a good leader and I know he really cares about the success of the company and his team! I've been working at Cold Stone making the ice cream cakes! I love doing that. It's a lot of work but I really do enjoy being able to be creative and sharing my talents with those who buy the cakes. The best part about my job is when someone gets excited about a cake that I've tried my best to decorate! 

This is a cake I did for a girl in my ward, the house and the tree are both made from melted chocolate on a sheet of parchment paper, and the tombstones are sugar cookies and frosting. This was a lot of fun to make!

This is a first birthday cake I made for our friend's little boy. They really like the outdoors and so this camouflage cake with a chocolate mountain turned out to be the right fit! They enjoyed it and I loved making it for them!  

This is Kale's smash cake...I learned a valuable lesson, to take the baby's smash cake out of the fridge a while before he's supposed to smash it! The frosting was so cold he couldn't smash it. but he still got to eat some and he seemed to enjoy it.  

New Pans!
We'd been saving up for a long time and we decided to get some new pans! The ones we had were a very inexpensive set that I had bought before I went to college in '03 They had served us well but it was time to get new ones. We really enjoy cooking(Ronnie had done a lot of it for us for the last several years) :) But we've found since we got them that we both really enjoy cooking, especially when we can cook together! I've even been cooking a lot more! 

Dinner of Biscuits and Gravy! :)

Island Park
Last October we were able to go to Island Park with my Dad. We really enjoyed the little vacation together and spending some time with my Dad! We don't see him nearly as often as we'd like to. Since we're not super close by so we really enjoy the time we can spend with him! These pictures were taken at Big Springs. 

 Ronnie and I 

 Dad and I

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Here's two Halloween cakes I made at Cold Stone!

First Wedding Cake!
 I made my very first wedding cake for a couple in my ward! I was really nervous for how it would turn out but they loved it! It was all chocolate cake. They said it was delicious! Ronnie was such a big help during this huge undertaking! He kept me sane when I got stressed and just turned into my little cake assistant! 

These details were on each layer

The best assistant ever!

 For Chinese New Years we had a couple of friends over for a Chinese take out dinner!
It was a lot of fun!

 After saving up my money for more than a year I finally bought my Kitchen Aid. I love it. I use it about once a week. I have really found a love of baking! It makes making cakes soooooo much easier! I used to make such a huge mess whenever I'd make frosting. Practically everything on my counter would have a layer of powdered sugar on it! 
 I love the color!

Second Wedding Cake!
 My second Wedding cake! 

This is the cake that I was so honored to do for our dear friends! It was so fun to do this cake! 

 The details of the cake! The embroidered technique is done by piping the flower outline and then using a paint brush to pull the frosting towards the center of the flower. It was really fun to learn that. 

 What a beautiful couple!

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This is an anniversary cake that i made for our dear friends Joseph and Kim! it was a carrot cake, I used brown food coloring to paint the branches on the cake.

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This is a German Chocolate Cake I did for one of Ronnie's team members  it was a lot of fun to do! I used the homemade coconut-pecan frosting that my Dad has been using for years! It tasted delicious!

 My Third Wedding Cake!

They were going for a more vintage look to their reception, and wanted a little bit of color to the cake so this is what I chose, I loved how this turned out! This cake was chocolate cake with a thick layer of chocolate mousse! 

Married for 7 years!
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Ronnie bought me beautiful lilies for our 7th Anniversary!!! Such a sweetheart!

Our stop by Condie Reservoir!
on our way to Treasureton one Sunday, Ronnie droves us down to Condie reservoir. It was such a beautiful day. I'm so glad to have seen it that day. A lovely day, with my favorite person!
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Tonsillectomy!!! April 18th
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Mom was a sweetheart and came to support us!
I'm smiling, and trying not to be nervous!

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The three of us waiting for them to call me to come back.

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I was a little out of it! but I was so happy to see Ronnie. When I woke up from the surgery I remember just wanting Ronnie by my side. I even asked the nurse, as soon as I could speak "When can I see my husband?" He was such a source of strength to me during these really rough couple of weeks.

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I had my own little set up. I had to sleep in my chair because if I laid down then I would choke, so I slept there for about a week and a half. I had never been so grateful to sleeping lying down flat!

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I had A LOT of popsicles, and some of them were mutants!

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The only thing that sounded good to eat for a while was chicken broth with cubes of bread dipped in it. This particular picture was taken at about 4 in the morning, and it's a bread sculpture of stone henge! Ronnie was so very sweet and took such good care of me!

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 He even made me deviled eggs when they sounded good!
Overall getting my tonsils out was a very trying time and I was in so much pain at times. But it taught Ronnie and I so much and I would do it again if it meant that we could learn what we learned.

Ronnie's Birthday!
For his birthday, Ronnie Really wanted a Applesauce-Raisin-Spice Cake, with the theme of a Ratatouille cake, He loved it and I had so much fun making it for him!  

We had a hot dog roast up in Treasureton, it was chilly but it was a lot of fun!

Just silly!

Sports Cake!
One of Ronnie's co-workers was having a 1st birthday party for their little guy! I really enjoyed designing and making this cake. It turned out a lot better than I was expecting. 

Easton's Smash Cake

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This is a 1st birthday cake that I made for our friends Joseph and Kim, their little guy who's a miracle baby and turned 1 on June 20! This nautical themed cake was a lime-mint cake with a lime-mint cream cheese buttercream! sooo tasty!

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Mountain Bike cake I did at work

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Micky Mouse Train Cake!

Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. Concert!
Ronnie took my by complete surprise and took me to the see the winner of America's got talent, Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. he got us seating super close to the front and printed out a little paper telling me what show we were there for, and I was beyond excited!  I couldn't believe that Landau was there, in Ogden! It was so fun to spend time with Ronnie

We waited in line for a very long to get to meet him but we did and we got to meet him and his sweet wife! He was so humble and down to earth. He lives to talk to his fans and share his talents and he acknowledges God in his success and it was really amazing to see. 

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Ronnie's Mom and I having fun Indexing! I was able to index a thousand names in June and dedicate it to my Mom for her Birthday. She would have been 65!

President Monson's Birthday Celebration!
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A fun visit from our Family

Labor Day-Bear Lake

On Labor Day we both had to work so we were very limited as to how we could celebrate! We decided to take a quick trip over to bear lake since we hadn't gotten over there yet this summer! it was beautiful over there. We had a little picnic of bologna sandwiches and just had a fun date together!

Yellowstone 2012

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Ice Cream at Fishing Bridge Tradition!

It was so smokey in the Tetons because of a huge fire by Jackson Hole, and the many fires in Idaho. It gave us such a unique view of the Tetons that we've never seen before, 

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I learned how to make french bread! It was really tasty! I was pretty proud of myself when they actually rose and were edible! 

Fall Pictures
A few weeks ago we went up Blacksmithfork Canyon to get some fall pictures with Joseph and Kim. We loved how these turned out. There are so many great pictures! Plus it was just fun to be up the canyon to see all of the beautiful leaves changing!

Porcupine Dam
 On a Sunday Evening we decided to go on a drive! We ended up going towards paradise, and then on towards Avon. We ended up at a beautiful reservoir! We had no idea that it was even up there! What a little treasure, not even 20 minutes from our house! I just can't believe we've lived here for 7 1/2 years and we never knew this was here!
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I love Ronnie's smile in this picture!

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We stopped on the dam and one way you look and you see this.

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And the other way you look you see this! It's just beautiful! We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful world!

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This is a cake I did for a family in my ward but I made it at work. I've been learning how to airbrush and I love how this one turned out!

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While we were going through Brigham City the other night and there was a beautiful sunset! With a gorgeous view of the new Brigham City Temple!

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Another gorgeous sunset, on the same weekend! Isn't it just amazing?!

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So this year really has been so very busy! We've learned a lot and we're really looking forward to the next year. We're so grateful for the chance we have to be married and walk through this life together! Hopefully it won't be another year til another post!