
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Monday, June 26, 2017

River Rafting!!!

This is the trip that the Hart Clan has been planning for an entire year, finally come to fruition, and it was definitely worth it!  We headed up to Leavenworth to do some white water rafting on the Wenatchee River.  We met at the Osprey Rafting headquarters and got all geared up for a wild ride on the river. Paul invited Virginia, Wes and Sheri invited some friends and Keith and I rounded out our raft of 8 plus a guide.

During the calm parts of the river Keith needed to add a little splash to liven things up so he launched himself into the water. After he was nice and cold Wes and Paul grabbed him by the life jacket and pulled him back into the raft.  Sheri said, "that was great, but I didn't get any pictures!" So he went overboard again and this time he grabbed Wes and pulled him down too!

Later on, Paul surprised us all with a nice backward dive into the water as well.  These guys, always showing off!

We had lots of calm water and about 6 or 8 exciting rapids that definitely kept that cold river water splashing up on us and cooling us down on that perfectly hot 90 + degree day.  So much fun!

After the thrills on the river, we had a nice relaxing bbq dinner provided by Osprey Rafting, some music, food, a campfire to cook s'mores, hammocks to relax in, and then a short game of horse shoes. We really had no idea how to score, but I'm pretty sure I won...

Then it was off to Leavenworth for gelato and some authentic German music to finish off the day in style.  Let me just say, that town is magical.

Here's a little taste of Bavaria, just click on the movie below to hear some awesome yodeling!