Friday, January 6

The girls in their Christmas dresses.

Yes I know that I am a terrible blogger, most of the time I have no desire to blog. :( But I wanted to do a little update on Addison and Presley.

Addison is so special to me, she is my big helper. She adores her little sister and is always wanting to hold and play with her. She loves to write on any paper she can find usually her name or pretending she is a waitress taking orders. She has the best imagination, I love listening to her talk. When we tell her she is getting so big she reminds us that we can still hold her :) We love her so much!

Presley gave me a run for my money the first 6 months of her life with her acid reflux and crying, poor baby :( This past month have been so fun, she is getting to be so happy and playful and she is so much fun to feed and bathe! :) We had to wait a long time for her but she was definitely worth the wait! We love her so much and we are so happy to have she is finally in our family!

Sunday, June 12

Presley Reese
Born June 6, 2011
3:09 a.m.
6 lbs. 4 oz.
18 inches

We are so happy to have her, she is a sweetie! We love having a baby in our house again!