Tuesday, August 28, 2007

(Just for Sarah)

I present you with knitting pictures!

The Mason Dixon knitting ballband dishcloth - part of a birthday present for my mommy.

And... my crowning accomplishment:

Vertical Freaking Stripes.

I know all you non-knitters are thinking I'm crazy right about now, but Vertical Freaking Stripes (and the fact that *I* made them) are still quite unbelievable to me.

Horizontal stripes, no biggie...

But the Vertical. They make me dizzy with delight.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm hanging in there

Cleaning house...

Watching various TV-on-DVD (Charmed, Dawson's Creek)...

And Knitting. Oh, yes - there is knitting going on in my house, thanks to new knitting book purchases :)

I told hubby that the more he's able to get a daily call or email in, the more stable I become. I feel like an idiot sometimes, that my moods are so dependent on him - but that's the way it is for right now.

There will be knitting pictures, soon.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The tears eventually stop, right?

Saying goodbye has never been so hard. I thought when I left the States... left my family & friends... that it couldn't get much harder than that.

And then my husband leaves for a deployment.

Suddenly, that 2 hour ride to the airport followed by a 10 1/2 hr plane ride and a 6 hr car ride to "home" for me doesn't sound nearly as overwhelming as it did almost 3 years ago.

Now, I'd give anything to be able to follow that itinerary to see my husband.