Thursday, December 18, 2008

We're leaving


Like, so soon I don't even need a full hand to count the days anymore.

See ya in AMERICA :)

Friday, December 05, 2008


I've blogged about our crazy AAFES prices for gasoline on here many times.

How funny is it that our LAST MONTH here in Germany that prices go to the same level as our FIRST MONTH?


Friday, November 14, 2008

In the groove of things

Someone asked me the other day if I'd "come up for air yet." I thought that was very funny, and also, maybe a little bit true. Especially since my answer was "no!"

It's been a whirlwind - The Boy coming home, establishing new routines, figuring out how we've both changed... but it's been one of the most amazing & exciting things I've ever done. It's so nice to wake up in the morning, and have our feet touching - just like we went to sleep the night before. And although my house is disorderly, and it stresses me beyond belief - it's nice to know that the "mess" is because he's home! And when I actually cook dinner and shop for something other than tv dinners & cereal... well, it's nice to remember how much he likes me cooking buffalo chicken pizza for him.

And now, add to all of that happy mix that we're on ORDERS!!! We will finally be going back to AMERICA!!!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

In between

It's where I am.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


A little insight into my world...

I've recently realized that the crazier my life gets and the more I feel like I'm losing control, the more likely I am to dig out Neil Diamond, CSNY, Peter Paul & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel...

This is the music my mom would sing to me, to soothe my frazzled child-nerves. Sick? Nothing like "Puff the Magic Dragon" to divert my attention (interestingly enough - at the age of 25 while driving me to the hospital for gallbladder surgery, this was the cd she put in for me). Sad? "500 Miles." Lonely? "Just a Song Before I Go."

But Carole King is serious. Carole King soothes my soul like nothing else quite can. I have a few bootleg .mp3's of Carole King & James Taylor. In the interest of full disclosure, they are on constant repeat right now.

This morning's giggle

Holy crap. Are you kidding me? Biden threw right down the middle for my boyfriend McCain.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

430 days & counting...

It really is almost over. But seriously? This month has been almost as long as the first.