Friday, September 21, 2012

Wild about my Child

A few weeks ago, Collin and I went to Colorado so that we could celebrate Mac's arrival. My amazing sisters and SIL threw me the most incredible shower for us! Ever since we went to Africa, Collin and I have been a little obsessed with the safari.  So, naturally, Mac's room will be semi-safari themed, which means the shower was all out safari.  And it was SO fun!

Throughout the room, they decorated with safari stuffed animals in cages. 

 Does it get any cuter?  So, as mentioned before, Collin and I are naming our little guy Macfarlane.  Love this little sign. I'm trying to decide if we should put it up in his nursery, or maybe the kitchen, or the front room. :) Ok, probably the nursery.

I love this scripture that they used to put inside the Madagascar Muffins.  Yes, of course, they named all of the edibles using the safari theme.  Safari Scrambles. Tiger Tails. Madagascar Muffins. Monkey Bread. Jungle Fruit. Etc. Etc.

 Mya and Ruby were the best little helpers. Such cute nieces.

These are the ladies that did it all.  Grandma Shirley was fabulous enough to be the hostess of the shower. Her home is so perfect for it. My mom is a miracle worker with everything she touches, and my sisters pulled off the shower amazingly.  It was all incredible and I loved every moment!

Mac is so spoiled already! So much love in the family! What a blessing! Thanks to all those who were able to come to the Colorado shower!  It was so much fun to see so many people. We appreciate all that has been given to us so far! Thank you thank you thank you!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

No Pink Allowed

My very first baby shower was thrown by Kristy, Tawny and Carly. They are such amazing friends and put together such a manly boy shower for me.  It included slogans like "no pink allowed" and "pink stinks." I absolutely love the idea.  Plus, who better to throw the shower than my friends that all have little boys! (Kristy just had her 2nd baby boy in June, and Tawny was just about to have her little girl the following week; don't they both look spectacular?!)

 My mom even came to town for the shower, and these are her friends that have migrated to Utah (except Sheri, but she spends a lot of her time her anyway). Mary, Sheri, Christie and Martha.  They have all had an enormous impact throughout my life.  Such great examples. I love them.

My aunt Sue and cousin ('s wife) Cindy came down from Riverton.  It's always so fun to see them, and to have family on my dad's side so close. All the rest of them live in Idaho.


Love these chicas too! Amanda, Jacinth and Anna.  Such great friends. :) They make me so happy. And
You can't have a family event without a cousins picture. Kirstin was also there but left before we had a chance to tak the shot. I love that all these cutie patooties are close by. It makes me very happy, especially now that we are only a half hour apart, rather than 2 hours.

I've been friends with Jo since birth pretty much, and friends with Carly since freshman year at BYU.  Both of them are such great moms and examples. I am so lucky to have such great friends, and that they are close by.  These girls are in Salt Lake, which means I need to be seeing more of them!  I love them!


Kim and Sheri.  My other sister and my second mom.  Love love love them.

Jen was also in town for a day for her friends wedding, so she and Lucy were able to come for the festivities too.  I love my family. I'm so blessed.

And what an amazing friend I have in Kristy. She organized everything and is so good to me. I love her and her adorable family. Thanks for my first baby shower! And thanks to everyone who came and spoiled Baby Mac.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh ya! It's a boy!

I have been so busy cookin up this bun in the oven, that I haven't saved any time for blogging.  Isn't he the cutest? I have been enjoying the little kicks and flips he's doing!  Whenever he starts kicking, I always glance down at my belly to see if I can see the movements. I'm usually not fast enough, but yesterday at work it happened. I was in my office, no customers in the branch, just my employees.  All of the sudden our little buddy starts moving. I look down, and see him taking kicks and punches to both sides of my belly.  It was so awesome to see that I start laughing.  And not just giggling a little bit. But pretty much a hysterical cackle.  Was I embarrassed? Not even a little bit. My teller asked if I was ok, and I jumped up and told her, now through giggles, what happened.  It was amazing. It just doesn't get old.

So, as mentioned, we are having a boy! It's so funny to me when people ask if we have names. It's always followed up with another questions... "oh are you telling people?" Yes we have a name. And yes we are sharing. Because we'll be naming him Macfarlane Charles no matter what. We'll call him Mac.  Macfarlane is Collin's mom's maiden name. And Charles is one of Collin's nicknames growing up. His dad called him Charles. Chuck. Charlie. And he didn't like the idea of having Collin as Mac's middle name. I think it's perfect.  He's going to be perfect.

Baby is now just over 29 weeks. It's crazy to me that we only have 10ish weeks left, then we'll have a little buddy. I can't wait. For the first time, I'm actually feeling big.  Like I need to stop getting so big.  But, as my mom reminds me, that means the little guy is healthy. Someone will need to remind me of that in 8 weeks or so when I'm as big as a house, ready to pop.

 We went to Colorado a few weeks ago, and had a fabulous time.  We did everything imaginable. Took family pictures. Went to a Rockies game. Went to Water World. Hit up the lake. Twice. Had Woodys. And Heaven Dragon. Collin went Golfing. And Played basketball. Had my 10 year reunions (yes, that makes me feel and sound old). Got mani/pedis. Celebrated my Mom's bday. At La Loma. Got fabric for Mac's quilt. And the list goes on and on.  We had such a wonderful time. Luckily, we'll get to go out again in September for a Baby Mac celebration.  SO excited.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ch ch ch CHANGES

November? Really? That was the last time I blogged. I'm pathetic, I'll admit that. Lots has changed since way back in Novemeber. 

First is the ever so obvious.  We are expecting Baby Rothey #1, in November actually. We found out in March.  We had a great time telling everyone too.  My SIL, Whitney, who is an incredible artist, drew up this great picture Collin came up with in his creative mind. It was pretty fantastic.  We also had some funny shirts made up by Collins aunt Jenice who owns a screen printing shop in Ogden. They were perfect for our Rothey Family Easter Egg hunt.

We find out next month whether we'll be having a boy or a girl.  We are so excited to find out.  We've had a few people ask us if we want to find out at 20 weeks or at delivery.  If you know me, you know that I HATE surprises. Hate them. So, we'll let the doc fill us in on the details.  Although, we do have the control to wait until 20 weeks. (I'm sure if there were a nicer mall with the ultrasounds a bit closer, this may be different.) So, we'll be finding out baby's gender around my birthday and Father's Day.  Perfect gift, if you ask me.

Pregnancy has been pretty great so far.  I didn't ever get super nauseous or have anything crazy happen to me.  I consider myself pretty lucky, because I know lots of people that are don't have it so easy.  I have apparently been tired, though. According to some, I look incredibly tired. With work, and what's going on inside of me, I'm sure I look less presentable than usual. Maybe the pregnancy "glow" equates to looking tired. Maybe it goes away.  I guess we shall see.  I'm just grateful to be healthy.  My new Dr. here in Heber was almost surprised at how healthy and great my test results have been.  Can't argue with that.

Aside from Baby Rothey, we also moved from Logan to Heber.  We came to absolutely adore Logan, our ward, and the people there.  But, since Collin graduated from USU in December (WAHOO!!), we knew he'd be job-hunting in the Salt Lake area.  My boss came to me, and discussed the option of coming to Heber.  Being 2 hours away from Logan, it'd require a relocation. We (Collin) packed up all of our things, cleaned our beloved condo, and moved to a new apt in Heber.  It's such a beautiful area, and it's great to be closer to friends and the city.  Since moving here, Collin has continued the job-hunt and has applied at a million places anywhere from SLC to Park City to Utah County.  A few things look promising, but no offers just yet.  We just keep praying for an offer! If anyone has any suggestions or connections, let us know. We've come to realize that networking is essential with the job search.

And of course, Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful, incredible Mom.  You're the best. I love you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Ok, so I've been off the blog radar for quite a while now. I guess I've been caught up in other things. Overwhelmed? Ya, a bit, but that's life, right?
We went to Colorado for a quick weekend trip last month. Collin had a PTO day to use before the end of the year (and yes, it had to be taken before Nov/Dec...don't get me started on that one! don't even get me started), so we drove Thursday and came back Sunday. If you know Collin and I, you're probably thinking... "did the airports go outta business or what?" because we NEVER drive, but it was so much fun to road trip!
We went to basketball games, went to the gym, ate food, went to Denver, hung out. Just life, ya know?
We didn't go because it was someone's birthday, or someone was getting married. No reason, really. Just to be with family! The little boys had their season openers for basketball, so that became our reason. It was fantastic. We loved every second.
Oh, and I went Dark!
Before and After

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First and Only Island Park Trip

We finally made it to Island Park! It was the first trip, and it looks like it may be our last for the year. In a few weeks, it'll start getting cold and snowy. We're glad that we could go, though. We met up with Lou&Jeri, Ozz&Lindsey and Luke&Nicole and all their kids. It's always so much fun. And it was fun to go with Lou&Jeri. It was the first time we'd gone with them, since they were on their mission during all of our other trips to the cabin the last 2 years.
I had to work on Saturday, so we couldn't leave Logan until about 4pm. So, we spent Saturday evening, Sunday and most of Monday at the cabin and West Yellowstone. We had bike races on around the driveway, and played horse-shoes, and went to Big Springs, and had a stickfloat race. So many fun, random things, but we had such a great time. And its SO beautiful. We love it up there. Such a dream!
Playin at the Cabin:
Bike Races:
Stick Float by the old Cabin:
Big Springs:
So much fun! Love the Rotheys!