Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Pumpkins

We love Halloween!!!
Carving pumpkins gets more fun as the kids get older and their creativity comes out. Samuel insisted we had a Sponge Bob Square Pants pumpkin for our dog Bob. Cesar wasn't sure how to do that, so Samuel drew him a picture. Lauren wanted a witch pumpkin - of course! She even had Cesar carve a hat. Too funny!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Student of the Month

DISCLOSURE: This is my way of keeping a journal, so I am can skip this post. :)

Samuel received the student of the month award for his class. Each month, the school honors a student from each class, and it was Samuel's turn this past month. This was a surprise, (sort of) because just a month ago, he was telling me that he keeps getting in trouble in his class and that he even had to go to a time-out type thing where he had to go to another teachers class and put his head down on a desk. I know that Samuel can be silly, but this was unusual for him to be getting in so much trouble. At this same time, we were having a bit of a problem with him at home. Nothing serious, just more emotional i.e. increased tantrums, crying and generalized increase in fit-throwing. I wasn't that worried about it, because, I am sure that being in a new school, all day long, is hard for him. Anyhoo, when he expressed that he was having problems in class, I became kind of worried and felt that I should intervene and talk with his teachers about his behavior and see if I could do something to improve the behavior at school and home. Not really sure, what....good thing I have some really good resources around me in regards to behavior management. :) So, I emailed both teachers and this is their response.

I really appreciate Sam being so honest, but he really isn’t a big problem. He just has to be reminded of the rules (like sitting quietly at his desk/rug) but nothing major at all. He is such a delightful boy. He participates in class and is very active during class discussions. Maybe just remind him when it is appropriate to talk in class and when it isn’t. I will keep working with him also, but honestly he is doing awesome! Natalie Day

It’s great to hear that Samuel is letting you know of his behavior here at school. Honestly is a good thing. He is a great student at completing work and task assigned and does the quality work I expect. The only trouble Sam get in my class is that I remind him to sit at the rug quietly in the mornings and at the end of the day. I think a great thing you can do as well is before school remind him of those things so he can remember that once he comes into class, turns in everything he needs to turn in, then he’ll sit on the rug quietly to get the day started. Anything you feel will best help him. Thanks again for letting us know! Estephanie Maiava

Why is he such a story teller? His Sunday school teachers ask me all the time if we are going on vacation, or if we are moving or some other crazy story! I just laugh and remind them that he is a good story teller. I then have to remind Sam that he can't be telling those kind of stories and that it is like lying. He always apologizes and says he won't do that again, but it happens again and again. How do I stop this behavior?

Back to the Student of the month, here is what his teachers wrote about my sweet Samuel....

He is always doing quality work. He takes his time and works well with others. He helps out his classmates without being asked to. He is respectful and is constantly following Silver Mesa's High Five Rules! Samuel is a wonderful student! Natalie Day and Estaphanie Maiava

My Samuel! Good job buddy! You surprise me every day!!!

p.s. it was crazy hair day at school :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, as I was in another room for only 3 minutes, I became worried when I couldn't hear Isabella. As all mom's know, that can only mean trouble. The bathroom door is still closed...(she likes to sit in the sink), my bedroom door is still closed...(she likes to talk on the phone or use my lotion). Not in Lauren's room...not in the living room with the others. Where could she be?! To my great surprise, this is what I found...not good! She had dumped out a full bottle of cumin and most of a bottle of Santa Fe spice stuff that I never use. Luckily, she had just found the food coloring and hadn't figured out how to open it. Wouldn't that have been fun? Red food coloring everywhere. Non of the other kids have been such a climber as her. I find her in her chair at the table, on the table, the back of the couch. I put all the little chairs up or anything that she can use to climb with, but she seems to find anything in order to get where she wants.
After I had it all cleaned up, I found her again in this position. I had forgotten to put the little chair away. I let her struggle a bit and cry for help. I want her to be afraid of doing this! NOT SAFE!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Go Red Real Piranhas!!!

Samuel doesn't have a girlfriend yet this year at his new school, but he is totally IN LOVE with soccer!!!! He is in the back yard before school and after school kicking the ball around and trying to learn new tricks. This makes his father so proud! :) Not sure what Cesar would do if Samuel didn't like soccer...we will try not to think about that.

Cesar is coaching Samuel's soccer team this year and totally loves it! They are both doing so well. They are undefeated, although who is keeping score? It makes my heart happy to see these two playing together. Samuel reminds his dad to not play too easy. He likes a good challenge, although he really gets his feelings hurt if his dad scores too many goals. I am thinking that soccer will dominate our Saturday's for a long time to come. I am so glad that Samuel and his dad love something together. I know that this love of soccer will continue to help them stay close to each other.