Sunday, December 28, 2008


Twas the day of Christmas and all through the house...the kids were all stirring, even our moose (Marley). The stockings were hung on our armoire with care...the kids were so excited St. Nicholas had been here!

The children had opened their stockings with care, and were playing nicely with their new toys, while Jules and PQ cooked our annual breakfast: and mmm mmm mmm we were full! Ready to open more presents, if we dare!

When out in our front room there arose such a clatter, we sprung from our table to see what was the matter, away to the room I flew like a flash, tore open a box, and lifted a bag...When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a silly captain cole and a giggle too!

With a little cute boy so lively and quick, he was so excited to open the presents from St. Nick. More rapid than eagles he opened his presents, he whistled and shouted and was so excited with his new Doctor kit!
"call me Dr. Preston"

We opened so many presents, the kids wanted more...but we loved every moment, every laugh, every toy!

Our captain loved his animals

Our prince loved his bad guys

We loved having Bonnema and Bonpa stop by!

We needed to get out of the house like a flash, we jumped in our car and went to the hill, where we flew down the hill like 8 flying reindeer!

We loved having company on the hill! We had a many laughs, it was such a thrill!

Then off the Nelson's we went after begin our Christmas party that is always a blast!

Our prince was Joseph in the Nativity scene, he loved every minute, if you know what I mean! (he loves having attention on him!)

Yummy food, laughter, presents, and was a perfectly wonderful was never a bore!

And then in the twinkling, I heard a knock on the door, I turned to see who ever could it be. And before I know it St Nicholas came in with a bound, threw open the door and made a loud sound (Ho Ho Ho). His eyes how they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! He had a cute face and a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly!
He danced around the room like a jolly old elf, I laughed as I watched him, I couldn't help myself. He danced and he twirled, giving each child a he was leaving he said...
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

We had so much fun with the Richards clan on Christmas Eve!


Sisters and brothers!


Excitement for Santa!



Yummy Food!

The Night was Perfect!

Holiday Fun!

Jules: "Preston look the Elves are watching you!"
Our Prince: "mom...sigh, they are just pretend"

The Annual Nelson Gingerbread party!

This is one of our very favorite family traditions! We love getting together, laughing, creating & decorating, and eating yummy candy!

We can't wait for next year!
PQ and I went to visit our grandparents to wish them a Merry Christmas, unfortunately...we have no pictures with grandmere...but we loved seeing her too!
We have all been a little sleep deprived, so we fall asleep any where...any time!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Just one bite

Jules: "Preston, you need to take one more bite of cereal, then you can be done"
Prince: "Go get stuck in the mud!"

Jules & PQ: "snorting, laughter"
Prince:"What chu laughin' at?"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wa Hoo!

Night Sledding!

Our Captain just wanted to get on the sled ASAP!

Our Prince needed his "snow" goggles

The boys loved riding with their Daddy!

Zooming down the hill! Wa Hoo!

We had a Great time!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

We LOVE play-dates with Gracie!!
New Toys, New Games, New Dress-ups!

Sleeping Beauty & Tinkerbell

My Prince...Tinkerbell

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Wonderland

My boys LOVE playing in the white stuff!
We were so excited to see the snow falling, we just had to get out and play!!

Prince Preston wanted to make "Frosty" sooooo bad...

We attempted him...

Prince: "This is my best friend Frosty!"

My Captain wandered around blind while we built Frosty.
My Prince was "So hungry...for snow" so he took many "lunch breaks".

Once we finished our friend Frosty...we played on the swings and slide
We had snowy fun in our Winter Wonderland!