Saturday, March 3, 2012

3 Months already!

My how the time has flown already. What a sweet little boy we have. You really can’t ask for a better baby. He started sleeping 8 hours at night a few weeks ago, then he had a relapse after we got back from Pinetop (we all slept horribly there). Luckily that only lasted a couple of days. He’s just generally content all the time no matter where you put him. I guess child #2 just has to get used to being put down all the time because Mommy has another kid to feed and take care of. He has also found his thumb in the last few weeks, and he really seems to enjoy that as well. He just can’t keep a pacifier in very long. We swaddle him at night and for naps, but he does often manage to get his little hands/arms out enough to get the thumb in his mouth when he really wants to.

He has been batting at the toys on his activity mat for several weeks as well, and he really enjoys just laying there and playing with them. In the last week or so, he has started grabbing them and trying to suck on them. Here’s a couple videos: I know it’s not that exciting, but I think it’s so cute they way they get all excited and flail their arms and legs all around.


He has been very close to rolling over for the last week or so, and officially rolled over for the first time today. He is also moving all around. I often find him in a totally different position than how I originally laid him down.

He is also very talkative when you smile and talk to him. I just love his little “coos.” This week he has really started blowing a lot of raspberries and I’m having to wipe his chin off a lot more.

Now for the pictures since I last posted about him…

1-21-20122012-01-21 Nana and Grandpa Merrill babysit 9

1-27-2012 Can you find Easton in this picture? I don’t know if Shayla was trying to share, or if she thought that all the babies wanted to swing. The swing was so heavy it wasn’t hardly moving.2012-01-27 Easton with Shayla's toys 2

1-29-2012  And another incident a couple days later. As annoying as it was (because it woke him up), it was kinda cute. She hasn’t been doing this as much lately.2012-01-29 Easton with Shayla's toys 3

2-3-2012 Trying to capture some smiles. We really need to get a better camera. It’s always fuzzy when we want a close-up, and it’s super slow, so we always miss it.2012-02-03 Easton 5 2012-02-03 Easton 7 2012-02-03 Easton 8

2-7-2012  He loves his activity mat. I couldn’t pick a favorite of these, so you get them all.2012-02-07 Easton on activity mat  1 2012-02-07 Easton on activity mat 3 2012-02-07 Easton on activity mat 4

2-18-2012 More fun with the activity mat2012-02-18 Pinetop 1 2012-02-18 Pinetop 7

2-22-2012 Thumb sucker2012-02-22 Easton sucking thumb 2

2-27-2012 Sitting up is fun to do! We’ve tried this a little in the last few days. He still only enjoys it for a few minutes. He’s not quite strong enough to stay in there very long yet.2012-02-27 Easton in bebePOD 1 2012-02-27 Easton in bebePOD 3

Friday, March 2, 2012

Family Pictures

I guess I’m doing this a little out of order, because we got these pictures taken the weekend we blessed Easton. I bought a photo package back in the summer from the people that took our last set of photos. We were really happy with them and it was a great deal. I told them I wanted to use them when the baby was born, and it was not going to be a problem. Unfortunately we could not use it to do newborn photos, and we didn’t have extra funds at the time to do them, so I tried to schedule these about 6 weeks after he was born. Well, they live in Vegas and weren’t coming out here until he was about 8 weeks, so I had to push it back a little further than I would have liked. 4 days before our scheduled photo shoot, they inform me that they are not going to be able to make it due to her pregnancy. Apparently they didn’t know ahead of time, but I’m sure they had some inkling because they never set up an exact time with us. So, we were left scrambling to find someone last minute, and had to push our photos back another week. I booked with the first photographer that got back with me. Unfortunately, we weren’t too happy with her. Instead of guiding us as to what to do, or how to pose, or even just taking random action shots, she sort of stood around and waited for us to tell her what to do. Shayla wasn’t cooperating too well either, and by the time that we finally got around to taking pictures of Easton (which is what I wanted most), he wasn’t really too happy anymore. Needless to say, we ended up with a couple decent pictures, but not what I had hoped for. We will pay more for someone better next time.

Snow-003 Snow-009 Snow-031

I’ve been so proud of myself for losing all of my Easton weight so quickly, and I was feeling all skinny. Then I look at these pictures of myself and realize I’ve still got a ways to go (which is Shayla weight now). That and I can’t figure out how to not have a fake smile.

Snow-037Snow-041Snow-043Snow-049 Snow-059 Snow-069

In my head this picture was going to be really cute, but as we were looking at the photos when we got them back, I busted up laughing because it occurred to me that he looks like a Chippendale baby. Totally wrong, but still cute. Snow-075


Snow-091 Snow-095 Snow-099 Snow-101

This picture totally looks like she’s a model, and the wind is blowing her hair.Snow-103 Snow-107


Weekend in the snow

I’ve really wanted to get away ever since Easton was born, and I also really wanted to go snowboarding this year, but didn’t think it would be possible since I am nursing Easton. I found a way to make it work: bring someone else with us. :) We found a 2-bedroom rental in Pinetop, and invited my parents along. My mom came up with us Thursday evening, and then watched the kiddos while David and I snowboarded at Sunrise on Friday. I had enough milk stored up for Easton, and had to pump a couple times while we were there, but it was definitely worth it. It had snowed 6-8” the night before, and being on a Friday, there was hardly anyone there. We never waited more than a minute to get on the lifts and the snow was fantastic. There were lots of ungroomed runs, and there is no greater feeling then being the first one to plow through the powder (until you fall and can’t get up). It was a much needed getaway, even if it was just for the day. We really enjoyed ourselves.

Perfect day-fresh powder and no one on the mountain

And these are the guys we asked to take our picture for us. Haha. I think they need to brush their teeth a little better. We asked these guys to take our picture and this is what we got

Then on Saturday my dad and Shelbie came up, and we all went to play in the snow together. Shayla had a great time sledding, though you could never tell by the look on her face. She was   completely emotionless, but then she would get up and ask to do it again.She enjoyed being pulled on the sled2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 48

Sledding with Aunt Shelbie2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 15

She learned how to make a snow angel:2012-02-18 Playing in the snow 72012-02-18 Playing in the snow 11

I think her favorite part about the snow was eating it. We kept finding her shoving a handful of snow in her mouth.2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 59 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 64 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 66

She also had fun having a “snowball fight.”  2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 81 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 98 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 1152012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 120

Some shots of the rest of us:2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 212012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 322012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 34 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 46

David sledding2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 24

Easton had no problem at all. He was bundled up and basically just slept the whole time.2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 42012-02-18 Playing in the snow 5

A couple more cute shots of Shayla:2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 62 2012-02-18 Playing in the snow near Pinetop 86

After we got back and warmed up (poor girl was freezing…her pants were soaked through and her lips were purple), we went and played bocce ball. We enjoyed it, and Shayla had fun getting in the way. :) Then we let her play on the playground a bit. This girl loves to be outside. We really need to get our backyard done so she has a place to play.Playing bocce ball 2012-02-18 Pinetop 11 2012-02-18 Pinetop 12 2012-02-18 Pinetop 13

It’s always nice to get away for a few days and just spend time together as a family without all of the daily distractions.

ETA: I forgot to mention the disaster we had. We realized about 20 minutes after we left, that Shayla’s blankies were at home. We were already running late, and there as no turning back. She whined about it off and on as we drove up there. We had another blankie for her, but it would not do. We put her to bed and tried to let her cry it out, but she was hysterical. Finally David and I could stay up no longer, and went in the room with her. We went to bed, and she did okay for awhile, and then she started crying for her blankie again. We finally put her in bed with us, and she was okay with that, but it still took her a bit to fall asleep. She did not fall asleep until 1AM. What a night. Luckily she is not particular about a specific blanket, but it has to be the thin receiving blankets with tags. She loves to hold and carry the blankie by the tag, and rub the silky tags together. So the next day we stopped at Wal-Mart and bought her another blankie. We had to talk it up being a “new” blankie, but luckily it did the trick and she slept fine the rest of the trip. It’s going to be hard to wean her off of this.