" name="description"/> The Red Bulletin Board: May 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

TV Show Review "Courage, New Hampshire"

While I was down and out, recovering from my tonsil surgery,
 imagine my surprise and delight to be asked to review a short TV series! 
Colony Bay Productions contacted me about reviewing 
a series of shows created around a small town at the 
beginning of the American Revolution. 
The name of the town and series is “Courage, New Hampshire”
 I was able to watch four episodes, 
and enjoyed watching them. They all centered on the town’s 
Justice of the Peace, Silas Rhodes, and how he 
and the town’s people handled certain situations. 
The first show, The Travail of Sarah Pine,
 was about one of the Red Coats being accused of 
having his way with one of the town girls and
 leaving her with an understanding of marriage, 
but never coming back for her. Once he came back through the town,
 he was recognized and brought up on charges and things go on from there.

At first I thought the show was going to go on a 
very religious bent, but it ended up just being more 
common sense and doing the right thing sort of story line. 
The scenery was great, as was the décor of some
 of the rooms and areas. Since I do own SuzAnna’s Antiques 
I have a tendency to watch the backgrounds as
 much as the actual “show”.  I thought the attention to
 detail on the scenery and locations was spectacular,
 but the acting itself left a little to be desired.  The characters were
 really not believable and the story line was
 hard to follow, since there was not a lot of information given. 
This holds true for all four of the episodes, with the acting 
and the story line, but it was an entertaining show in the long run. 
The other three episodes were “The Sons of Liberty”,
 “A Snake in the Garden” and “Ambition”. I think if the 
show is able to continue, the acting and story lines may get better.
 I think the writer was trying to get so much into
 each hour long episode, it ended up being jumbled 
and convoluted. If you enjoy period dramas give an 
episode a watch and let me know what you think.
 It was fun to watch, and I learned a little about some things 
from the American Revolution I did not know, so you may enjoy it too. 
The show premieres on Memorial Day and you can find more information
on their website here!!

Friday, May 3, 2013


I got my tonsils out yesterday!
The surgery itself was no problem
but the recovery is going
to STINK!!! 
But I do get to eat all the
raspberry pink sherbert I can!
I am linking to Miss Beverly
for Pink Saturday!