" name="description"/> The Red Bulletin Board: June 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Playing, swimming, running
I think we finally wore them out!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Waahoo! Happy Pink Saturday!
We are off to the beach! FOR A WHOLE WEEK! I am so excited I am shouting! Join Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Saturday goodness! I will have internet access but not sure how much time I can be on the computer! With Mom's back still not 100% and my sister being 7 months pregnant..I think most of the duties will fall to me....but who cares?? I'LL BE AT THE BEACH!!!! hehehe! Have a great week! See ya when I get back! Jenny

Monday, June 21, 2010


Yup...we have a garden! This is really our first year of TRYING to garden.
We grew tomatoes last year but bugs got them so Jason really started early this year and wow!You should see it! Where Jason planted must be the most ideal spot cause our plants are HUGE! We have zucchini's and yellow squash, cucumbers, red and green peppers, one hot cherry pepper, and a bunch of tomato plants! But the most fun thing we are growing are cantaloupes!
We got one this spring and saved the seeds, so we started about 25 plants in the garden and more than half have taken!! If every flower produces a cantaloupe we will be having cantaloupe jelly, cantaloupe bread, cantaloupe butter......giveaways for cantaloupes....a fruit stand on the side of the road selling cantaloupes!! hehehe!
But even better is how much stuff we are getting from the plants!This is from one day of picking. We got just as many off yesterday! Our neighbors and family love us and all the veggies we are giving them. The tomatoes have not started to turn red yet but there are a ton on there too! So anyone know any good receipes for any of this stuff??

Happy Summer!!

Happy First Day of Summer!

Summer Pleasures Sunshine beaming golden heat For lots of fun outdoors; Vacations, for a sweet retreat To mountains, plains and shores. Kids in constant summer motion, Free from teacher’s rule, Head to toe in suntan lotion, At the beach or pool. Inflatable rafts on which to float, Camping and fishing gear, Rowing or sailing or waterski boat, Tell us summer’s here. Things we can’t do the rest of the year Are summer’s special treasures; Oh summer, summer, linger long, And give us all your pleasures! By Joanna Fuchs

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday!
BIG happenings this week in the house hold!

KYLE LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH! We did not have to go to the dentist for this tooth to come out!!

Kyle was drinking a glass of PINK MILK, and it just fell out!
So I had to have it for today's Pink Saturday!

I am SSSOOOOOO not ready for him to be growing up this quick!

The tooth fairy left him a $2.00 bill, which he did not even know what it was...hehehe!

Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday!
Stacey at Flotsam and Jetsam tagged me for a 101 Things That Make Me Happy Meme!
She is not a Pink Saturday person, but visit her anyway!!! hehehe!
And while you are out visiting, visit Bev at How Sweet the Sound!
I don't know how she does it, but every week she brings hundreds of us
together and I thank her for it!!
So without further ado....
  1. My husband
  2. My son
  3. My family
  4. antiques
  5. vintage pin ups
  7. suns
  8. moons
  9. stars (in the sky)
  11. Sky (my dog)
  12. old buttons
  13. rhinestone jewelry
  14. SuzAnna's Antiques
  15. Pyrex
  16. laptop
  17. blogs
  18. McDonald's
  19. Diet Coke
  20. crystal light "Focus" drink mix
  21. chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven
  22. scrapbooking
  23. making jewelry
  24. new cell phone (when it finally comes in)
  25. black and white movies
  26. the color red
  27. Red Front doors (no Anna, I did not copy)
  28. chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
  29. sleeping in on Sunday mornings
  30. snuggling with my son and hubby on Sunday mornings
  31. Nora Roberts books
  32. JD Robb books (yes, same author but...)
  33. anchor hocking anything
  34. any vintage jewelry that is not rhinestones
  35. clean laundry
  36. pedicures
  37. beach trips (I CAN'T WAIT)
  38. birthdays
  39. sand between my toes
  40. Mary from A Breath of Fresh Air
  41. Anna from Chickens in the Basement
  42. Vanessa from Vanilla Lavender
  43. Debbie from Mermaids of the Lake
  44. Stacey from Flotsam and Jetsam
  45. ALL my other blog friends
  46. funny commercials
  47. dressing up for dinner
  48. breakfast for dinner
  49. My Nikon D40X camera
  50. huge vegetables from our own garden
  51. purple balloon flowers
  52. white balloon flowers
  53. Frank Sinatra
  54. Michael Buble
  55. vintage linens
  56. swaps
  57. The West Wing repeats on Bravo
  58. Man Men
  59. Burt's Bees chap stick
  60. Revlon Color stay Lipstick
  61. Revlon Color stay makeup
  62. puffy crinolines
  63. Love's Baby Soft perfume
  64. good glass of wine
  65. Christmas with family
  66. singing Silent Night
  67. Annalee dolls
  68. sledding with Kyle
  69. facebook
  70. NCIS
  71. House
  72. 54" TV
  73. seeing a punchbug before Kyle or Jason
  74. seeing the look on Kyle's face when he sees one first
  75. the color blue
  76. a red vintage Corvette
  77. dinner out with Jason
  78. Bali Hai (local restaurant)
  79. butterscotch haystack cookies
  80. chex mix
  81. NC State Fight Song
  82. Muhammad Ali
  83. ipods
  84. shopping
  85. yard sales
  86. TARGET
  87. Massages
  88. puppy breath
  89. kittens
  90. diamonds
  91. sapphires
  92. swimming in the ocean
  93. shrimp
  94. clam strips
  95. painted furniture
  97. Starbucks grande iced vanilla chai latte
  98. Homemade peach ice cream
  99. Fireworks
  100. margarita's
  101. P90X workouts when they are done! If you made it this far.....join in and let me know if you did it!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday!

I was up late baking a virtual birthday cake!Well, maybe not you! But for my BEST BLOGGING FRIEND FOREVER!! Debbie of Mermaids of the Lake!
Go give her some Happy Pink Saturday Birthday Wishes!!
And tell her Jenny sent you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting back into the groove!

Wow! First few days with Kyle out of school and I feel like this!!
Totally out of sorts and trying to figure out if I am coming or
going but slowly getting back into the swing of things!
And of course it's been raining ALL WEEK!

COME OUT SUN!!!! We want to go to the pool!