Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I know I cannot be the only one who finds this disturbing. What exactly are they supposed to do for me? I guess my main concern here is that if you take these, you will start growing green sprouts instead of hair.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Shark Night!

Last night, Lisa and I went to see the super craptastic film, Shark Night. It truly lived up to our craptertainment expectations, and honestly, the post credit rap video was worth the price of admission. Here is a small tidbit of it...I shouldn't have been filming in the theater, and it's super crappy quality, but I really wanted to share this with all of you since it brought me so much joy. I hope this inspires you to at least rent the film.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Ten years ago, I was on the mission when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I still remember that afternoon quite vividly; my companion, Hermana Gallegos (now Noemi McKnight) and I went to teach a second discussion in Valencia. When we walked into the apartment around 4:00 (10am New York time), the investigator had the TV on, and I saw the twin towers going up in smoke and asked her, "Oh, what movie are you watching?" It was shocking to find out that this was no Hollywood idea, this was the work of evil men intent on destroying America.

People started running up to us on the street asking me where I was from and asking if I knew anybody in New York. Thankfully for me, I did not, but there were many who did. After that, our mission president told us to avoid any areas with high concentrations of Muslims, and for us sisters to be home an hour earlier every night. There was one day where Noemi and I happened to go into one of those neighborhoods, and even being largely unaware of what was happening in the U.S., I was terrified. "Don't say a word'" she told me.

I never experienced the unity that so many spoke of in the days following 9/11, and in many ways, I feel as though there is more discord in our country than ever. When I came home, all I saw was a nation of excess, taking things for granted, and a general sense of entitlement. But, I still believe in the greatness of America: we want people to succeed, and give them opportunities if they work hard enough.

On another note, it's been a year since the breakup, and things are great. Over the past year, I have traveled a ton, had so many fun adventures, and of course, made some fabulous new friends. Life doesn't always go the way I plan for it to go, but it never leaves me bored. Thanks to the following: Mom and Guy for showing me what a celestial marriage is supposed to be (and for being silly).

Jeff and Daniel for putting up with me every week; you are like my brothers.

Terri, Leesh, and Mich for sticking with me for so long it's ridiculous; you all have qualities I can learn from.

To my church friends (there are WAY too many to name) for being generally awesome and making me smile.

To my roomie for being kindhearted and generous in a way that I don't know I ever will be.

And finally, to Shaine, who will always be my sister, no matter what. Team D.I.L. forever - I'm rooting for you!