Last night was a good night. Tyler unexpectedly didn't have to work so we got to spend the evening as a family. We decided to go downtown to City Creek to check out the new shops and buildings. It was nice out so we wandered around. Greyson loved the fountains and wanted to swim. We went to the Disney store and that lucky little boy got Red the firetruck from Cars. We watched the "choo choos" (Trax) go by and went on the escalators. Dinner was Chinese food in the food court. While we ate, it started raining so we had to sprint through the unconvered sections to make it back to our car. On the way home, we all sang the zoo song together and looked for lightning.
Reaching in! |
I felt really happy. I was thinking through the events of the night and wondering what it was that made me so happy. And I realized it was the little things--Greyson's excitement to see the fountains, watching Tyler and Greyson interact and seeing what a good dad Tyler is, little eyes that lit up when we went in the Disney store, holding hands, laughing as we ran through the rain, the look on G's face when he got his new firetruck and then drove it everywhere while we tried to eat dinner, sharing really delicious bites of Chinese food, opening up fortune cookies and sharing them, listening to Greyson jabber in the backseat, pointing out the horse carriages so he could see them, watching G run (it's comical), the mutual understanding Tyler and I shared when we knew we wanted to get Greyson a new toy, and just being together as a family.
I love Tyler's smile in this |
This morning I was still thinking about what a good night we had, and I started making a mental list of all the little things that bring me happiness. And I wanted to record them as a reminder to myself, and as a way to count my blessings. I don't think happiness comes in large packages (at least not consistently) so it helps to see the little things that create happiness and dwell on those. Here is some of my happiness:
When Tyler holds me and I melt into him.
When I say, "I love you Greyson" and he answers, "I love you mama".
An unexpected kiss from either of my boys.
A compliment from a friend.
A compliment from a stranger.
Hitting green lights (especially the one off the exit at work--it's always red!).
Good hair days.
A clean house (even if I was the one to clean it).
Holding hands with either of my boys.
A feeling of accomplishment.
Tyler's thoughtfulness (this encompasses so much).
New clothes or shoes and having someone notice.
A better price than expected.
When Tyler gets home early from work.
When Greyson says, "hold you" and I can.
Eating out.
Cuddling with my honey.
Watching Ty and G wrestle and monkey around.
Being the "safe" mama that Greyson can escape to from daddy.
Feeling this little baby wiggle and move and push around in my belly.
A sincere thank you.
Knowing how incredibly blessed I am.