Monday, August 4, 2014


Mavrick Glen Purnell 
July 24,  12:55 AM
5LBS 11OZ 20 1/2 IN

On the morning of Thursday July 24 we headed to the hospital for a scheduled induction. We got to the hospital at seven am and got all registered. They took us straight to a room hocked me up to the monitor and checked to see if I was dilated at all. The dr came in and told me I was only dilated to a 1 this was super disappointing since I had been having painful contractions off and on for two weeks. So they tried something different with me this time and instead of starting me on pitocine and breaking my water they just did the mini pill they insert into you cervix and sent us out to walk around the hospital for an hour. When we got back they checked me again and still only a little progress. At about eleven the dr came in and broke my water. As soon as she did that contractions started hard and fast, they quickly moved me to the birthing room and got everything set up. This time our nurse checked me and said I was only to a three maybe four I was so devastated and just couldn't believe it, because my contractions were super intense. I asked for and epidural again because if I was in this much pain and only a three there was no way I was going to make it to a ten. Well we joked that as soon I asked the baby would come and I would have it medication free once again, like with Harlynn. The inserted and iv and wanted to start pitocine, they turned it on for a couple of minutes and realized I didnt need it. At tewelve thirty the dr came in and checked me and said I was only and 8, I told her I need to push. She said"OK but only a little bit lets see if it does anything..." in my head i said NO way was i just going to pretend push, I was in so much intense pain I just knew I had to push hard or not at all. So I pushed the dr said keep going and two pushes later our baby was born. It felt like a rocket just shooting out of me. It was such and intense fast labor. The baby came out and the dr and Jarom both said look look at your  baby your did it! I said well is it a boy or a girl, the dr paused and said its a BOY! Good thing because we only had a boy name picked out. Jarom cut the cord and they took the baby over to the warming bed to get vitals and stats. The nurse says "he quite breathing..." and she just stood there in total shock the dr said call for the team, so the other nurse did and quickly a team of three others were there. They suctioned him out really good and he was fine. It was a scary moment and all these possibilities go through your mind but jarom and I both felt peace surround us and angles in the room with us just like we have with the births of all of our kids. After that they weighed him and finally let me hold him and feed him. Mavrick is a good eater, sleeper and pooper! lol We named him after his grandfather Ricky Jones and his great grandfather Marvin Jones and his middle name is after his great grandfather Glen Purnell who passed away in April and his uncle Glen Purnell. His name is rich in heritage and it seems fitting that he was born on the 24 of July pioneer day! There was some concern in the hospital that he was so small so they tested his blood sugar levels every three hours and made us stay longer, and supplement until my milk came in. Everything about this pregnancy was difficult its been a long hard nine months and its not over yet, with recovery and kidney stone sugery in the near future. But we wouldn't trade him for the world, he has brought so much joy and love into our home and hearts! We feel blessed for our third little miracle!