Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Harlynn's big accident

The story:

Yesterday we were out at the barn, Jarom was in the corrals with the horses, trying to catch one so we could take pictures to sale her with. We, Dayna my sister in law, wrangler, and harlynn were all playing with our backs turned to Jarom. I didn't realize Jarom was going to be bring the horse out of the corals, he didnt realize we weren't overlly watching the kids. I had just taken a picture of Harlynn and was trying to get a picture of wrangler and in that split second harlynn had walked over to the horse Jarom just brought out. Jarom said when he brought her out no one was there, and then all of a sudden Harlynn was underneath the horse. Jaroms gut reaction was to yell at me to come get her, I turned and looked just in time to see the horse freak out at us yelling and stumble over her. Jarom quickly grabbed harlynn and I told him to go straight to the car, we put away the horse and calmed wrangler down. Dayna was able to stay with wrangler while Jarom and I took harlynn to the cardston hospital. There they took us by ambulance to the childrens hospital in calgary were they did an oral surgery and removed her top four front teeth, permanently. She has eight stitches were here teeth were to repair the gums and three stitches in her bottom lip. We are considering this a miracle that she had no other injury's or even a concussion. She is one lucky girl! While it will look funny that she has no front teeth, we are counting our blessings that she has no outside facial injuries or worse that she could have died. She was such a trooper, laughing and talking and dancing even in the ambulance. Today she is a little grumpy and in pain, but she is still with us. Now the hard part is trying not to blame ourselves for what happened, or the horse, because truly it was all of our faults, and a total total accident! Here's to hoping she will be happy eating her applesauce and chicken broth for the next week, haha. Thanks to all the family and friends who were keeping here in your prayers. She is a truly blessed little girl! And we are blessed to have here in our family!

***UPDATE: This happened on the 13th and we were able to get her into our family doctor today (since calgary is flooded were the surgeon is) anyway she is doing so so good, the dr walked in and said this isnt the child that got kicked in the face is it, she looks remarkable, and she truly does. So far you cant tell at all! She is eating everything, somethings i just cut up more, and she is still talking really well! And to note, she is more afraid of the dog then she is of the horses! haha