Friday, April 5, 2013

Im sooooo OLD!!!

So I was having this conversation with my brother in law who is 23 we were talking about movies and I told him one of the best family movies/ adult clean movie that I've seen lately is Parental Guidance, with Billy Crystal. And he was like " Who is Billy Crystal" I about died that I was that old he didnt even know who billy crystal was...haha

My other old moment came about a week ago when we were in Idaho for Easter visiting my grandma Hegerhorst at the farm. We went to Church with her and while the sacrament was being past I was looking around (since we were in that ward for about a year and a half) anyway I saw this very very tall big guy. When a while latter it donned on my that tall guy was one of my sunbeams I taught about eight years ago and also babysat his family frequently. And when I say tall I mean like he is only fourteen and six foot seven!!! Yikes, he isnt even done growing....

With those two incidents and a very big birthday on the horizon I am starting to feel old!!!

p.s. Parental Guidance is a great movie you can watch with your whole family and not have to worry about any sex, violence, or offensive language. And still enjoy the movie!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Brother and Sister

" Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. Joy and laughter or tears and strife, holding hands tightly as we dance through life."