Sunday, March 17, 2013

Potty Trained!!!

Wrangler looking proud with his potty chart in the back round. Which was only fun for him for two days and then he was over it! haha

Wrangler showing off his new look. Which by they way he would rather just wear pants with no undies. They underwear give him a terrible rash! Poor thing, plus they are all huge on him!

This is were Wrangler thinks he should wear his underwear, don't worry they are clean! haha

We are so so so excited that this guy is officially Potty Trained!!! We started on a Monday (two weeks ago)first thing in the morning and went straight to the potty. Complete with sticker chart and all. Wrangler had a choice of potty seat, little potty, or big potty. I think having options made it more exciting for him. He got a sticker on his chart for each time he went number one and number two. If he filled up a row he got a toy. Just little toys from the dollar store but enough to get him super excited. The first day we had one pee accident but over all it was successful. I set the time for every thirty minutes. The second day I set it for a forty minutes, and by the third day he was going on his own. Wrangler is the kind of active kid that needs reminding if he is in the middle of an activity. But for the last week and a half he has kept dry during nap time and at night, which is major for us! We are so proud of him! Mostly he only had pee accidents and one other accident that wasn't his fault because the bathroom was otherwise occupied . We have had two other wet accidents which have happened when his schedule has been off and he has fallen asleep in the car and we didn't wake him to go when we got home. But we are starting to get this thing under control. He is really good about just going when he needs too, or telling us. The other night at the store he just said " Mom I need to pee!"  And at church today he told us he needed to go and then when we got back to sacrament meeting he says super loud "Dad I pee peed on the big potty and Mommy pee peed too!" A little embarrassing but I will take that embarrassing any day over having an accident at church!

p.s. a hint i learned from pinintrest, if they have a pee accident on the floor instead of scrubbing it out right a way, pour a ton of salt on it, let it sit for an hour or so and then vacuum it up. It soaks up the urine and there is no smell or stain left, awesome! We only had to do this once but, it worked!