Thursday, February 28, 2013


We live in Canada, we get snow!
Wrangler and Harlynn love to play in this old suitcase of my gradpa h. Usually its under the crib and holds blankets, but every now and then they bring it out so they can do this.
Harlynn LOVES to accessories!
I just caught them both sitting in the recliner together one morning.
This is Harlynn's mug shot, for entertainment we tell ourselves this is the perfect blackmail picture! Same goes for the picture below of Wrangler crying, lol we are such nice parents!
Kids are so funny. Wrangler has been talking alot more and we have discovered he has quite the imagination! Just today he saw a little scuff on the floor and told me HO HO(his word for santa) did it with his boots, to funny. And a couple of weeks ago I had been telling him the story of the three little pigs, he would ask me to tell him that story every nap time and at bed so I would and he would help me Huff and Puff and blow the house down. Well one night he came running out of his room screaming "wolves, wolves in the hole" he was so scared he was shaking,so we went to look and he told us the wolves were in the heater vent. I guess he thought when it turned on and blow out hot air that it was the wolves trying to blow down our house. We tried to console him, but he wouldn't go to bed until we pretended to stomp on the vents to make the wolves disappear. I am so glad he as a good imagination but we are going to have to work on when its appropriate to tell stories... We are going to be working on potty training him, and advice??? Harlynn is talking a bit, she says Mom, Dad, cookie, banana, go go, here you go, and where'd it go and makes a horse, dog, cat and cow noise. She has four teeth on top and two on the bottom, she loves to dance, and blow kisses to jesus. She also knows where her head, shoulders, belly, eyes, nose and tounge are. She is a pretty funny girl and makes us laugh all the time. She also has a strong love for food and stuffed animals. She also likes to climb and is pretty fearless. Here are a few pictures of the kids at play from the past couple of months.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

christmas 2012 (late)

Well this Christmas was jam packed with people, gifts, germs, and games. Jaroms family has twelve kids including him, and out of those twelve, ten of the siblings (including jarom) were at our house for Christmas eve and Christmas morning. Yes it was pure chaos when it came to opening presents but, it was sure fun! Minus the fact that i think 90% of us were sick with either colds, stomach flues, or other illnesses.  Jarom was sick enough he actually went to the doctor, second time in our whole married life, turns out he got bronchitis. Luckily it was after all of our visitors left. The kids and i are still getting over our colds, But we are good. So I didn't get to many pictures of the whole Christmas week only a couple of Christmas morning and they aren't that good. But you get the idea. Our best night of the break was new years eve we played a game called "Would you rather" I highly recommend it. Anyway we got jaroms mom to dance with a broom stick on camera it was hilarious, to bad she made us all promise we wouldn't post it on the Internet, darn it! lol Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
p.s. I cant find the sim card with our christmas pics sorry