Thursday, November 29, 2012
Happy 1st!!!
Our sweet little girl turned one on the 21st! We are pretty laid back about birthdays at this point, we just figure they don't really get it yet so we are saving the big hoopla until they are a little older. So Harlynns birthday is one day before her great grandpa victor stockdale, so they asked us to come over to dinner and celebrate together on the 22, which happened to be American thanksgiving. We had all the trimmings minus the pumpkin pie. Great grandpa turned the rip old age of 92! He has had an amazing life and we love to hear all of his life stories. He also got sealed to his wife beth this year in the temple, what a neat experience to witness there love for each other... Anyway Harlynns actual birthday we gave her a couple of gifts, a cute outfit, a teddy bear bigger then her, some hair things and cute earrings. Wrangler helped me bake her cake, which I didnt get a picture of but the inside looked like a zebra, which wrangler appreciated more then anyone. Anyway here are some pictures of the events including open gifts my mom sent the next morning, she loves her new giraffe Jacki.
Some of the things we want to remember about Harlynn at one:
*She has 2 teeth on top next to your middle teeth, funny!
* Loves to talk and babble all the time
*Says "dadda, and Momma"
* Loves to dance and can really rock out
*Screams when her brother comes near her
*Eats EVERYTHING and never stops eating
*Can be very dramatic
*Has a wicked laugh that makes everyone else laugh
*Still sleeps great at night
*Will only drink out of a sippy cup with a straw
*Loves stuffed animals and hugs and kisses them
*Loves to cuddle
*Loves all live animals
*Loves to wear hats, hair things, and sun glasses constantly putting them on herself
*Loves to be read too
*Hates sleeping with blankets on
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2012
We replaced our totalled car with a new one. Smaller but, seats the same and we are not in debt for it!
We sent one kid on a random trick or treat outing to the three neighbors we have, and wow did he get spoiled for three houses!!! That's a hat full of candy from one house!
We recently carved a pumpkin for our ward carnival and Wrangler and Jarom won grand prize and most horrific, for this lovely creation. Which apparently Canadians here haven't seen before, lol!
As for me, I had my last blood draw for my liver and kidney damage from the accident. Which finally came back normal so no more getting pricked for me. I have a doctors appointment today for my lower back pain, so hopefully we will get all that stuff behind us soon. Now wish me luck, Harlynn is teething, and has been quite grumpy which is not her normal self!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 10:41 AM 1 comments
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