Saturday, August 25, 2012

Some catchup

So about a month of so ago we drove up to Cameron lake in Waterton National Park. Jaroms youngest sister Dayna works there. Its about a forty five minute drive from home. But with a view like that can you blame her... Its one of the most gorgeous place to see. The lake is made from glacier water so its extremely cold, and windy up there most of the time, and there is always snow up there. Dayna was super sweet and got us some free boat rentals. So first up we took the whole family, Wendy Jim, Us and the kids. As you can see Wrangler was super super excited!!! He even sat on my lap like a good little boy, which isn't his normal self. (not that he is a bad boy, he is just a very very active boy and sitting still takes something mighty special) Then Jarom and I took a turn in the paddle boats which was nice and relaxing, not having to worry about falling in the cold water, with my kids. I am pretty sure I am one of those over protective moms, but with cute kids like mine do you blame me...