Saturday, July 21, 2012


 I have been working on a couple of crafty projects around here, I though I would post two of them. The first one is a giant board made by wood pallets, and an old fence. We made it look more rustic by adding some gel stain to it. Then attached our family pictures with plexy glass and screws. And then add a vinyl saying "Enjoy this Moment for this moment is your life" which is something i have been trying to do really hard lately. Just to give you a guess on size the middle picture is a 11x14 and the other four are 8x10s.

 This project took a little more time but still doable in a day. I saw this idea at a friends house and then on pintrest, and I knew I had to do it. Its a growth chart you can take with you, when you move. On the front obviously you measure there height but on the back we decided to trace all of our hand prints too, we thought it might be fun to see how much the kids grow over the years. I also wanted this to look like old barn wood, so first i stained it, then I did a light coat of white wash and a red and tan wash, and rubbed it out until I got the desired look. Then I add all the vinyl measurements and the "Purnells Established 2002" to the side. I love it and am excited to see our family grow!

 Wrangler is working on his politics, haha. As a two year old he has mastered the NO vote and with these good looks we know he will get the girls votes for cuteness!!! This was just him being silly wearing his suspenders for the first time to church, I wish I got a picture of the back of them because it has mickey mouses face on the back, which he thinks is a dog! To cute!
And Miss Harlynn last week surprised me by doing this! I turned around from the kitchen to see her pulling her self up for the first time and standing, as you can see she is pretty proud of her self, and before we know it she will be walking. She hasn't mastered the getting down part, but is getting close. Were did my baby she is 8 months old!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

what we have been up too..

And now for the picture overload of our summer so far!

We got this big orange thing at a garage sale too, its a trampoline, in case you are wondering. With a big orange pillow on top! Straight from the seventies!!!
Wrangler with his first popcicle of the summer. Notice the sweat shirt!!! Haha thats canada for you!

Caught in the act!! On this paticular night I rushed wrangler from his dinner to a bath, forgetten to look on the floor for any left overs, because Harlynn is our little hover.Apperantly wrangler left a whole piece of bread which she devored in minutes. Her first really solid! (beisdes baby food/mashed up fruit) No wonder she was so quite while wrangler was bathing!

On one of those rainy days we had an indian pow wow, complete with really athentic music, a head dress and worrior paint. Now every day wrangler asks to play indian!
One of us is working on growning some hair this summer, and I just had to see if I could do the pebble hair style! To cute!
Enjoying a Sunday afternoon together!

As you can see we havent done a whole lot outside. But we did get to enjoy a parade and fireworks this last weekend for Canada day, but of course I forgot the camera.
p.s blogger is being crazy so sorry the spell check isnt working,and we all know I cant spell! :)