Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Big Little Boy

Our little man turns two in less then a month, but I couldn't wait that long to update about him. Wrangler is one of a kind, always on the go and SUPER active. You definitely always have to keep an eye on him. Some fun things about him.
Favorite food: pickles, rice w/soy sauce, and yogurt
Favorite movie: Tangled, he just loves the music and the horse (Surprise)
Favorite Thing to do: Go to the horses, and if he is lucky ride them! The whole time he rides he constantly says "yeehaw" over and over!
Favorite words: "Here you go" "Excuse me" Go, Momma, Dadda, Harly (aka: harlynn), sister, daisy (the neighbors dog), and Temple. He says a ton more but those are the words we hear a million times a day!
Favorite place to be: OUTSIDE, at the horses or in the bath with bubbles
New things: Has recently been asking a ton to go to the bathroom on the potty, and actually went pee today in it. (ANY advice on potty training boys, or in general would be great!!! Is it to early to try??? )
Favorite animal: Horses and dogs
Scared of: bugs (I have no clue where he got that :) )
Favorite toy: Any thing that makes music or noise (Yeah I love it...) and his rocking horse
Still: Takes a two to three hour nap a day, goes to bed at eight thirty and gets up at eight! He is also still really small for his age, him and harlynn can fit in the same diapers! Still wears some 12month clothes, especially shirts.
Loves: To go for walks, brush his teeth, read books and talk on the phone to gma and gpa jones! And LOVES his sister! (we are so grateful for that one)
Hates: when we say we are going somewhere and dont get out the door quick enough for him, hates wearing shoes in the car, waiting for food.
Insists: on sitting in the recliner any time we watch a movie, with a blanket on his lap.
Favorite songs: Wheels on the bus, and I love to see the temple.
He is: A happy, funny, busy kid. And we love him to pieces. He brings so much personality into our home and into the lives of others. He is super friendly and loves everyone he meets. He is learning how to share, and to hold still for more then two seconds...which is really really hard for him. Has pretty good manners lately, and is learning what emotions are, funny, happy, sad, and angry. Respects boundaries, but is learning how to manipulate them. We are really going to have to stick to our rules, if we want him to keep them. He is so smart when it comes to that stuff and pushing the lines. Or maybe I am just to soft! But I am trying. He miss his dad so much while he has been working crazy night shifts, and ask for him about twenty times a day. Luckily for the most part he hasn't realized dad is a sleep during the day in the room. Cant wait for dad to have a normal schedule again, so he can be his constant shadow. Anyway these are just a few of the things we want to remember about him right now! We sure do love our little cowboy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Harlynn 4 months

Harlynn turned four months a couple of weeks ago. She weighed in at 14lbs 12oz, in the 75%. And measured at 24in in the 50%. She is overall pretty healthy despite our stay in the hospital and her asthma. As long as she has her inhalers she is good. She is a very happy baby, loves to talk to everyone and anyone who listens. She is rolling both front to back and back to front. She can roll form one side of the room to the other. She loves to stick everything in her mouth, already! I am dreading that... She also thinks she just cant live without her Binky. She loves to watch her brother play. And she hates wearing anything on her head, but we are working on that. Doesn't like being in her car seat unless the car is going. And loves to go outside. We just started her on rice cereal and she thinks its okay. She is now sleeping from 9pm to 8am and we sure do love that! We sure love our little girl and the fun personality and sweet spirit she brings to our family. Here are a couple of pictures from the month.