So it all started last week when Wrangler and Harlynn started out with what we thought was a cold. On Wednesday night we noticed they were both kind of stuffy and congested in the chest. So Thursday morning we headed to the family doctor. He diagnosed them both with RSV and gave us inhalers for both of them.(man I hate nusery) Things were going as well as you can anticipate with two sick kids, the coughing until you threw up and all that fun. And then on Sunday Harlynn took a turn for the worse and was really laboring to breath so we felt it was best to take her to the ER the doctor who happens to be in our ward and the nurse who is our Relief Society President (small town) gave her a breathing treatment and when that didnt work they gave her another stronger dose in the form of a breathing treatment as well. She seemed to be doing a little better so they sent us home with the instructions to bring her into the ER again if she needs more treatments for the next two days. Well on Monday evening Harlynn was having an even harder time and had been very lethargic and super pale, and could hardly keep her head up so we rushed her into the ER her oxygen was at 81 (normal a 100) and her heart beat was 220 (normal is 120ish) So she was having such a hard time breathing her body was working over time. So they gave her two breathing treatments again, which actually made her worse so they tried to give her oral steroid which she threw up, at that point they put her on oxygen and Harlynn and I got to ride in an ambulance to the big hospital in Lethbridge an hour away. So we got to the hospital thinking it would just be an overnight stay, WOW were we wrong! We ended up staying in the hospital for five turns out she didnt have RSV but got some other virus that turned into a Respiratory infection. So she stayed hooked to oxygen for five days and had breathing treatments from a Respiratory Therapist around the clock every four hours. By day three she was doing so much better and back to her happy normal self, but at this point Harlynn was still on oxygen and needed to be weened off for twelve hours before we could go home. The nurses were really nice but it seemed like they were not doing there job when it came to getting her off the oxygen fast enough. Finally on day five we told them we needed to go home so they got an oxygen blender into the room which blends the room air with the oxygen to get them used to room air faster, why they didnt do it earlier we have no idea. So by four she was completely off oxygen and we left the hospital around nine against doctors orders, to finally go home. We felt like we could better take care of her at home as a complete family and if the need arises we are only a block away from our hospital. So we have been home for one night and she seems to be doing great! I just dont know how people with sick kids can stand being in the hospital for longer then a week. Because Harlynn is breastfeeding I could not leave the hospital. And the room we were in was a little bigger then our bathroom, having to fit three people and sleep three people, needless to say we were going stir crazy!!! It was sure hard being away from Wrangler too, but we are blessed to have family so close and a wonderful sister/inlaw who is home from college at the moment. Man I dont know what we would have done with out her! And can I just say even though health care is messed up every where count your blessings if you live in the US, because everything is better there. But we feel blessed that we do live in a country with health care around every corner and knowledgeable doctors and staff, and most of all we feel blessed that we got to leave the hospital with our baby girl!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
great grandma h

Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 3:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Horsing around...
We do alot of horsing around in our neck of the woods. Jarom being the ultimate cowboy at heart and now he will be starting a new job for the LDS Church Ranch up here as none other then a...COWBOY but with the hopes of turning into a full time accounting job in a year when the old accountent retires. So for now it is part time which is 12 hours a day six days a week for six months...long hours ecspecially for the first six weeks which he will be working night shift six pm to six am (I am praying I can do this!) Anyway Jaroms love of horses has passed on to Wrangler, and with a name like Wrangler are you really suprised? He loves going to see the horses or even just driving by horses. He plays horse in the bath and plays horse with his food, and many many times he just sits on his rocking horse watching a movie, saying "yee-ha yee-ha" To cute. It looks like the boys are trying to work there majic on Harlynn as well, but only time will tell. And yes the second to last picture of Wrangler, he is riding a small plastic horse around the room, hahaha...
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 12:40 PM 1 comments