Friday, January 13, 2012


Wrangler decided on sunday that he needed to be like his Daddy and shave. So I quickly got my broken camera, which is more of a chore then it looks and snapped a few pictures of the two. And yes thats Wrangler tasting the shaving cream, because it just wouldnt be the same if he didnt. That kid sticks everything in his mouth! Gross, as you can see he didnt like the taste much either! But oh how I love my boys!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

6 Weeks...

Harlynn turned Six weeks old, a week ago. So we ventured to the dr. for a check up. They dont do well child check ups here so its a little different. Anyway they weighed her with all of her clothes on and a wet diaper (see different) and she is a whopping 10 lbs which i am geussing is closer to nine and half, but you get the point, she is chunky! Also she is now 21 inches long so she is growing like a weed. She no longer fits in the new born clothes and drowneds in the 0-3 months but will be fitting them soon. She is starting to smile and talk a little more. She is still waking one to two times a night but we are working on that. She is such a little princess and loves to lay on soft things, she still has tummy issues just like her oldler brother, she loves the binky, and her bouncer, and loves for anyone to hold her on her stomach looking up at you and loves to be talked to. We just love her to death and cant wait to see her personalitly come out more. I also had my six week check up and finally got a picture of Harlynn with the Dr. becuase the day she was born there were to many of us having babies she had to run and couldnt wait to get a picture...haha. Anyway she was a great doctor and we are happy we found her just in time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Harlynn's Baby Blessing

We had Harlynns baby blessing December 11 when she was just three weeks old. My parents were able to come up to Canada for the first time, and to see Harlynn for the first time. We are thankful for the sacrifice they made to come and we love seeing them! We are also grateful for the family we have here that were able to attend. When Wrangler was blessed we had all of Jaroms brothers and brother in laws (but one brother on a mission and one to far away to come) so that was quite special. This time for Harlynns we had Both of Jaroms Grandpas, our Fathers, And Todd, Spencer, and Scott Griffiths (Jaroms cousins) and Rex Memmott (also a cousin) stand in the circle, and all of there wife's attend. How wonderful to be surrounded by so many family members, even in a different country. It was quite special to have them there, and to look up and see our beautiful baby girl surrounded by such strong, righteous priesthood holders. Anyway the pictures are kind of blurry since my camera is broken but you get the idea. And our family picture was an after thought and as you can see it was a bit of a struggle for us all,lol. Oh and Harlynn's dress was my baby blessing dress that my Aunt Cathy Hegerhorst made for me. And the blanket behind her is one that My Grandma VaLere made for Harlynn.