Wednesday, December 21, 2011

1 month

Our sweet baby girl is One month old today! Big brother is 19 months tomorrow! Wow time flies. I cant get over how diffrent Harlynn and Wrangler look. This first month has been kind of rough. It was quite a chore to get Harlynn to eat, many tears and many prayers. Lots of visits from nurses and lactation consultants and phone calls with occupational therapist. Then I threw my hands in the air and said to Harylnn "Either you are going to eat or we are going to have some major issues" and she decided to eat! I wish it was that easy, but really this little girl of ours is very stubborn, I wonder were she gets that from??? She is now eating like a pro and growing strong! Now if we could just get this sleeping thing down... Wrangler has also had a rough couple of weeks, some how he got strep throat and has been battling that for the last week along with some side affects from the medicine. It sure is tough when they cant tell you whats wrong, and you just have to guess. But on a good note we had a wonderful visit from my parents! I wish they could have stayed forever!!! We also blessed Harylnn so more pictures to come. By the way my camera broke this month, bummer...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

copy photos

Jarom: 31

Wrangler: 1 day old

6lbs 1oz

Jarom: 32

Harlynn: 1 day old

6lbs 9oz