Saturday, October 29, 2011

35 weeks and an update

Just being cute!
Wrangler LOVES these red rain boots and when ever we ask he to get his shoes he always brings us his red boots!
Wrangler being Wrangler, he is such a clown and has discovered his nose and how to put things in it, like our corn bread we had last week for dinner.
Having fun doing the laundry!
Wrangler loves to think he is helping me all day with the chores, and recently discovered the dryer, but don't worry he cant shut it! I am loving having my laundry on the main floor and not in the basement! Our hampers are always empty this way!
As you can see Wrangler has been working on his teeth, and now has 10! When we moved her in September he only had two!!!

Well I am officially 35 weeks today! And I feel like baby girl can't wait to get out! She sits so much higher then Wrangler did and is constantly in my rib cage, ouch! We still are super undecided on a name. And I have started the weekly appointments already, just because I have had some unusual problems, but I am holding in there, if only sleep in the last month was possible. We are so excited to meet this little girl and thankful to have her as a part of our family. And are feeling very blessed to have been able to conceive naturally and quickly this time. It will deffenitly be a c

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Whats in a name...

Whats in a name anyways??? Before we moved Jarom and I were set on one specific name for our baby girl. But now... We have three favorite names!!! At least we have a middle name, we are super set on that. Her middle name will be Hope after my mom, that is her first name! (Although she goes by Elaine, her middle name) Anyway I am one of those people that the minute I find out we are expecting, I have to have a name picked out for a boy or a girl. I just can't sleep or think at ALL until we have decided upon a name. That was the same this time too. And we happened upon a beautiful name. And then we moved...and I think this Canadian air did something to me. Because no we are undecided! And I guess we will be that way until we meet baby girl. Wish us luck!

p.s. We found a place of our own and have been moving in today, pictures to come soon!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


One thing Wrangler has been quite spoiled with here at Grandma and Grandpa Purnell's house is with breakfast! Grandma W likes to make large breakfasts when she gets the chance and they often included Aunt Dayna's favorite Chocolate chip pancakes!!!! As you can see Wrangler really enjoyed them on the this particular morning.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Canada differences

1. They don't sale any other kind of Oreo besides just plain orea. And they taste gross. I think I will be loading up on Mint Oreos and Double Stuffed Oreos next time we go to the states!!!

2. Ketchup is much sweeter here. Good thing I actually did load up on this before we came. I am a Ketchup girl.

3. When you go out to eat (we have been once with Jaroms Parents) when you are done and need to pay, they bring a hand held card machine to your table, so your card never leaves your possession.

4.They don't do Well Child Check Ups here. So you only take you kids to the doctor if something is wrong. As for immunizations these are done at a separate place just for shots and things like that.

5.The weather is crazy here so far, one day it will be in the eighties, the next day we will wake up to frost.

6. No one has mail boxes. At least in this town. So you have a physical address and a PO Box

7. Utilities cost a lot. For a small place it averages about 200$

8. I had to get a mole removed here. Instead of doing this at the doctors office. I had to go to the hospital Emergency room, where I had a scheduled appointment, with my doctor. Weird!

9.People do have quite an accent, I think its kind of funny because it sounds fake, if that makes sense??? I wonder what they think of me...haha

10. Its a very beautiful place to live, with several National parks and lakes close by. And its not unheard of to wake up and see deer in your yard.