Sunday, August 28, 2011

26 weeks

Alright so I figured I better take a picture to document my huge belly. I took a ton of pictures with Wrangler and haven't taken any this time around! Sad. So here I am, why we take them so late at night when all the make up is gone and I look gross and tired, I have no idea, but that always seems to be the case! This pregnancy has been so different then with Wrangler. I didnt get sick at all but I have had alot of other aches and pains, I did physical therapy for my back and leg for about a month, I have had a lot of contractions this time so I have to take it easy a lot more, and they think I have Gestational Diabetes! Which I am not sure of I think they are just trying to be safe before we go. (Two out of the four tests came back high, so it could go either way!) But one good thing is I don't have high blood pressure this time, so far. So that's good. No more sweets for me, and I get to learn to prick my finger, oh so fun! NOT But we sure a looking forward to seeing this sweet little girl, we cant wait. Oh how I love all the pink clothes, cute hair bows and all the glitter and glam that girls are!

Friday, August 26, 2011

15 months

Our big boy is 15 months old. He currently weighs 21lbs and 30inches tall (? I cant remember, but we have a check up next week and will know for sure) somethings about our boy to remember:

*He has two bottom teeth, and four top teeth coming in
*Eats anything and everything, seriously. But not to fond of meat.
*Tries to run every where and its pretty funny
*Is starting to talk a lot more, say night night, thank you (tank you) and quite a few other words
*Still LOVES music and has started to twirl in a circle when he hears it (I have no idea were he got that from!)
*Likes to wear sunglasses, and when he puts them on he acts like a cheese ball
*Would rather be outside
*is starting to mimic animal sounds, is great at a dog, and bear
*still takes two, two hour naps (THANK YOU!)
*wants to help with everything
*climbs everything, seriously everything it freaks me out!
*has called 911 (will tell that story soon)
*went to the er for the first time (dont worry it ended up not needed, but better safe then sorry)
*Is super friendly and social with everyone
*Is wearing size 4-5 shoes, man his feet are big!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Let the games begin

We have exactly one month before we move to Canada!!! Ahhh... Yeah I am freaking out a bit! We still are waiting for things to finish up with the sale of our house, fingers are crossed that it will all work out smoothly. And then there is ALL the packing, which by the way we haven't even started. We also have to figure out all of the logistics to actually getting our stuff there. Oh and the tedious task of importing all of our stuff, cars, plus us!!!! Yeah I think I may loose my mind a bit this month. We also will be watching my parents house for two weeks, finishing up drs appointments, eye appointments, physical therapy appointments, and Celebrating our 9th anniversary! Ha ha ha, how does a romantic dinner of mac and cheese sound over our beautiful table of boxes! LOL Thats life, wish us luck. We know this is what we are supposed to be doing, its just a bit hard to actually do it! And the worst part of the count down is we are missing Jarom's Family reunion, which my sister in law Kathy is planning, so I know it will be a good one! But all of this STUFF has to get done! Oh Canada, I wish I could blink and be there with everything already done! Pray for us!!! Not to mention we have to find a job and a place to live there......................... STRESS!