Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Birthday to our Sweet husband and Amazing father! Hope you have a great one!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

not a lot...

It seems like a whole lot and not a lot, are going one with us right now.HAHA does that even make sense? Well we got to go to my sweet grandmas house for conference last weekend, which is always a treat. Wrangler did pretty well, all though he was thrilled to empty her dvds and cupboards constantly. I am not so sure Grandma was thrilled over it. But, we loved every minute of it. To bad I didn't bring my camera. Well other than that we are just trying to figure out our lives...hahaha Does that ever end??? Just when you think you have it all figured out, doesnt it always seem like life throws another branch in your bicycle spokes. Well needless to say her are some cute pictures of our little one, and one of these days I will get a picture of me too, maybe if I am looking skinny that day! :)