Wrangler is now 10 months! Can you believe that? Crazy how fast time flies. Well he has turned into quite the ham, every where we go he is captivating everyones attention. Some of his new tricks are unrolling the toilet paper, pulling out all the pots and pans and opening every cupboard in the house. His newest thing is pointing at everything. He also has a deep love for Micheal Jackson music, he loves to boop up and down to it. Now when ever we say hi or bye he automatically waves. He is now brave enough to stand up in the middle of the floor on his own. And he loves to climb up on things, even chairs which scars me a ton. Still no actual teeth but he sure bits on his hands and fingers all the time. This month he also had RSV which was no fun for anyone. Luckly we got him the help he need as fast as we could. He also says Momma alot but mostly if he is upset or hurt. He still says dadda when he feels like it too. He has begun this grueling thing and does it all the time, its pretty fun. So far we have found one food he is not so found of tomatoes and more food he loves, kiwi, strawberry's, gold fish crackers, Jello and kix cereal. He now weighs 19lbs and is wearing size 9-12 month cloths. I am not so sure I want my little man to grow up, but he is and we have loved every minute of it!!!