Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vote for me...

So have you seen those chunky watches??? I love them, I have a few of them Jarom go me for an anniversary present a year ago, and I wear them all the time. Well one of the websites that sells them has a contest, were you give the watch band a name and then they select the top five for the viewers to vote on, Well my name was picked and now I need you to vote. It only takes a second. Help me win!!! My watch band is named PARIS PASSION, I know corny right. Any way follow THIS link and vote for me, thanks. Also this is a great website to order from, they have lots of cute stuff and good deals. Thanks

Friday, November 5, 2010

An eventful Halloween...

So saturday before Halloween we headed into Boise to go to the corn maze with my parents. It was alot of fun we got lost in the corn maze, took a tractor ride, watched the pig races, played with goats and Little man had his first official pony ride (not to be mistaken as his first horse ride) Jarom had to get little man on a pony, he was so excited, and no i dont mean the little man, but Jarom was the one who couldn't contain his excitement! It was a great time and then we headed out for dinner. On Halloween we went to my parents and enjoyed dinner with them. Then halloween night I woke up at about two in intense stomach pain, which I talked everyone into believing me that it was just some ovarian cysts, even the er doctor was going along with me for a while. Then monday night I had surgery to remove my appendix turns out that was the cause of all the pain. But now I am at home recovering and soon enough I will have to do the dishes again...bummer! Anyway that was our exciting Halloween this year, one we will never forget for sure. P.S. Thank you MOM and Dad for helping me and Jarom and Wrangler, and vacuuming my floors , thanks Kathy for babysiting me and Wrangler, And thanks In laws and family for the beautiful flowers, and for the meals. We really do love our families and hope we can help them out when they need it. THANK YOU!