Thursday, October 28, 2010

nothing to dress up for...

Ready for take off...
Here I go...
Oh No, where did I go...Oh good, Dad has me. On of Little Mans Favorite things to do with Daddy is to be thrown up in the air, he just cant get enough of it! (p.s. Please excuse the mess, this room seems to always be a work in progress! Its our dining room, office, homework, craft, storage room. You get the idea, in other words its ALWAYS a mess! )

So halloween is just around the corner, and we have no were to go this year dressed up. So even though we had a great idea planned for our costumes we will just have to wait until next year to use them, but in the mean time we couldnt let Little mans first halloween go by without at least dressing him up a little bit. So here are some cute pictures of our little guy at five months.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


If you are into coupons or getting a great deal, you should check out this website its called Groupon it has most major cities, even little old Boise. They give local deals on clothing, products, treatments, even attractions. For example last week for Boise you could buy a ticket to the local corn maze for five dollars which was a 50% savings. Anyway every day it changes, so its a good idea to sign up for there emails to see what the daily deal is. Just thought I would share! P.S. the link is set for Boise but go to the top of the page and enter your city to see if there are any good deals!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Cardston Temple

Little Man discovered his toes on this trip and that he like to suck on them!!!
Jarom, Corinne, Beth, Grandpa Stockdale, Mom Purnell, Dad Purnell, Grandma Purnell, Grandpa Purnell
Corinne, and Jarom in front of the Cardston temple, were Jarom first told Corinne he loved her about nine years ago! (funny story, I will have to share that some time)

Last week we made a quick trip to Canada, mostly to visit with Jaroms family. We especially wanted to visit with both sets of grandparents while we were there because neither of them are doing very well. So we thought we better go visit them before we HAD to visit! Its a good thing we went to, grandpa ended up in the hospital the day we left!!! We got to go to the Cardston temple and doing sealings with his parents, grandma and pa purnell, and grandpa stockdale and his wife Beth. What an amazing experience at such a beautiful temple. Also while we were there Jarom and Jenn took me on a mini tour of Cardston, this is were Jarom grow up. They took me to the high school, to there old house, and to city hall. One cool thing about Cardston is you can pretty much walk to anything, school, church, temple, stores, etc... It was fun visiting with the family and seeing his cousins. I love cardston and cant wait to visit again. Oh yeah, I also got to help Jennie ask a boy (a very cute boy) to her Sadie Hawkins dance. That was fun and brought back a flood of memories from my high school years! :) Little man did really well on the trip and was happy for all twelve hours there and back, except the last hour of the home stretch, he was pretty grumpy, but who can blame him!