So little man had his four month Appointment on Wednesday. He weighs 14 lbs 1 oz which is the 50% percentile and was 25 in long which is also the 50% percentile, So our boy is doing great and is average all around. He also had three vaccination which he cried for a minute and then fell a sleep, but they always manage to make him bleed really bad, oh well he is fine. It was really sad though, that night I was clipping his finger nails, which is always a chore. Anyway on the last nail I clipped his finger and her cried more at that then when they gave him the shots, it made me feel really BAD! But I am sure I am not the only one who has done that a time or two. So on Thursday my mom and I head down town to see the Brad Paisley H2O Concert series. And WOW what a concert. Brad Paisley seriously ROCKS! To bad Jarom had school that night He would have loved it. And if you have never heard of Justin Moore check him out, he was really good, like a mix of country and rock. Loved it. And I didn't even take any pictures my camera got left at home! :( Here is one from the concert that i found online! And a picture of little man at four months!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Brad Paisley and Shots...
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 1:38 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
We started little man on rice cereal a couple of weeks ago, he was just seeming like he need more so more he got. Much to his dismay and ours he doesn't much like it. Which I know is normal, really who would like rice cereal, yuck! So here are the pictures of our first attempt.
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 12:39 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Go rent it...
So Jarom was home sick much homemade root beer at the football game last night! So we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie called "Letters to God" based on a true story. Let me tell you EVERYONE needs to rent this movie, it was very touching and inspirational. And when you watch it, because you will make sure to have a box of Kleenex with you! P.s. The root beer was great, and BSU is the best, we won! Thanks Reilly and family, for having us!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
So a couple of weeks ago, I stopped by the horses and saw Jennifer our horse dentist there. Ironically it was the same week I had some dental work done, man I hate the dentist. But not Jen she is super sweet and did a great job. Let me tell you its not easy work, but it looks very interesting. Just wish I got a shot of tranquilizer before I go to the dentist!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 4:08 PM 0 comments