Friday, August 20, 2010

More Family Pictures

Just a few more adorable pictures of the little guy, if I do say so myself! I just LOVE the last one!

Monday, August 16, 2010

JGP Family Reunion 2010

We had our family reunion last week in Garden City, UT, right on the front of Bear Lake. We had a great time with all of the family and missed Shana and Jeremy's family and the two boys on missions. We had some fun activities I think my favorite was the lip sink night, we all had grab bags full of props and a cd with a few songs to choose from and them we just got to act like dorks and video tapped it all! Man that could be dangerous in the wrong hands! We had so much fun and cant wait until next years. Also during this trip the first half of the week we got to spend with my old friend Ruth and her husband Ryan and there cute son Spencer, which was the purpose of the trip to meet each others little boys. My, he was handsome and so much fun. We enjoyed staying at the resort in the Ogden, UT Canyon it was beautiful, I wouldn't mind living there! Except its in Ut, and we have been there done that. (Sorry If you live there, nothing personal) Anyway here are a few of my favorites from the trip. Please don't judge us for our scary costumes! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 month stats

So we went in for wranglers two month check up but because our pediatrician was on our stake trek we couldn't see her until Wrangler was almost three months So here is his three month stats

Weight 11Lbs 13 oz which is 50th percentile
Height 23 inches which is 75th percentile
Wrangler is doing great, he has been sleeping through the night since a little before two months, which we LOVE, he is on a great schedule and a very happy, clam baby which I am sure he gets from his dad! He is the happiest in the mornings and loves to try and talk to us, he is starting to feel out his three month clothes and has retired most of his new born clothes, his belly button is now an innie, his eyes are most definitely blue, we aren't sure what color his hair will be but we think probably strawberry blond, will see. And we couldn't be more happy and blessed to have this little guy in our lives! Whenever Jarom is home he loves to take care of Wrangler, hold him and play with him each week at church I get a few people who ask me if I ever get to hold the baby when Jarom is around, and I am HAPPY to reply NO!!! We just took our first road trip to Ut and little man did wonderful despite the fact that we left and hour after he got his shots, which he did great at and only cried while the pricked him, even though the nurse was not the most skilled and hit his vain, making it spurt with blood! Sad :( Anyway his is doing great and we just feel so blessed in our lives right now to have him a part of it!