Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One month...

What I have learned about "Little Man" in a month....

1. First off I don't think I have ever experienced a month go by faster then this... I wish it would slow down a little!
2. I knew having a baby you go through a lot of diapers but really i never imagined this MANY!
3. He hates having a wet diaper, and I mean Hates it! One funny thing is that it never fails at 9am every morning he wakes crying because of a wet diaper, Nice alarm clock!
4. He has bad gas just like his uncles and Dad! lol
5. He is just starting to really fit his new born clothes
6. At his one week appointment he gain 2LBS thats right two whole pounds they even had to make sure the scale wasn't broken because they just couldn't believe it! So I am pretty sure you are going to be a chunky little man, because you eat so good, and No I am not complaining!
7. He still doesn't quite fit the car seat, even with the head supports, your little head just flops down, it makes me sad. But good thing Uncle Isaac has been here this month to be your back seat buddy and he is kind enough to hold up your head.
8. He always has to have one arm out when he sleeps, and he loves to hold on to his ear and surrounding hair.
9. He loves to relax laying on his side, ecspeacially cuddled next to daddy.
10. He has only been "baby sat" by men so far.
11. Everyone at church asks me if I ever get to hold him when Jarom is around, the answer to that is NO, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
12. His eyes are going to be blue.
13. He is no longer orange, thank you for leaving Jaundice!
14. He LOVES baths, since day one!
15. He pees alot! I mean alot, and be careful opening that diaper... the aim is not quite straight
16. Some days he goes through 5 outfits and other days just one.
17. He likes to smile after he burps.
18. He likes to be outside (weather and wind permitting)
19. He loves to be rocked.
20. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love your Daddy. We love you Wrangler!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Brad-K Fun Run

So on Saturday it was the annual Brad-k Fun Run. It is a run in memory of my sister-in-law Diana's younger brother Bradley who passed away a few years ago. Bradley was a runner like most in his family, so Diana put together a run in his honor. The Run like its name is a fun run so anyone of any age and ability can participate. And you don't have to be a runner to enjoy it either, you are welcome to walk, like of course we did! Anyone anywhere can participate you just pledge a certain amount of mileage you are willing to run/walk in his honor. Another great thing is that you don't have to live in Washington to participate, even though its were the "official" run takes place. Jarom and I only pledged a mile because at the time we weren't sure if we would have the baby yet or not, and my parents pledged two miles. But we all ended up doing two miles, we enjoyed the sun but could have done without the wind. It was a great day to remember a great person who is dearly missed!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wrangler's Baby Blessing

So while Jarom's parents were in town we decided to have Wrangler's Baby blessing so they could attend. It was a great baby blessing despite the fact that the microphone malfunctioned, Jarom did a great job and Wrangler behaved great during the blessing. We feel very blessed and grateful to have so many family and friends their to attend. So Wrangler's outfit was the smallest outfit we could find and we still had to have it altered! But he looked like quite the handsome fellow, just like his Dad! And thank you to my parents for hosting the lunch afterward, it was great! Funny story someone called today form church wandering if we adopted Wrangler, because they had no idea I was pregnant, lol. I guess there are quite a few people still at church that had No idea we were expecting. Now Jarom's family has left, the house is quite again, and back to reality. But we look forward to spending time with his brother Isaac who will be staying a couple of weeks with us, before he leaves for his mission. And Jarom really looks forward to horsing around with Isaac, I am sure there will be pictures to come...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Encounter

Well you all knew this post would be coming sooner or latter... So on Sunday we decided that it was probably best not to go to church, because of all the germs. But I still wanted to get out of the house so Wrangler and I ventured out with Daddy (Oh how I love to call Jarom that!) to do the horse chores. Yes horses have germs but I can better regulate them touching the baby then people at church. So when we got to the horse Wrangler opened his eyes for about thirty seconds and the encounter was over. Nothing exciting but as Jarom says " We are getting him exposed early in hopes that he will learn to ride a horse before he walks, like his Grandma Jones!" Either way I don't think Wrangler will have much of a choice in weather he likes horses or not! His nursery is covered in horses! Pictures on that soon! So last week we were able to enjoy some help from Grandma Jones and Grandpa Jones and this week we have been enjoying the company and help from Grandma and Grandpa Purnell along with Uncle Isaac and Aunt Jennie and Dayna, all the way from Canada! We are enjoying everyones company and help and I just dont know what I am going to do with out it... Back to reality on Monday!!!