Weighing in at 6lbs 1oz
Length 19 inches
Born MAY 22, 2010 at 8:11p.m.

So from the beginning of this pregnancy I have told everyone that I was going to have this baby boy on Friday May, 21... but no one believed me, most laughed and the doctor told me that was wishful thinking. After constantly telling Jarom I was just sure of it, he started to believe me and knew that I was telling the truth, I just had a "feeling". So Wednesday the 19th I had my regular doctors appointment and they told me I was dialiated to a four and 65% effaced I was so excited and was hoping that my body would go into labor naturally, but Friday came and nothing happened with that, but my blood pressure was through the roof. I have been keeping track of it for the whole pregnancy at home and it just seemed to be getting higher and higher last week, so we called the doc and they told us to head over to labor and delivery. So they monitored my blood pressure and the baby for a couple of hours and did some blood test that reviled I had the start of preclampsia and if we didn't do something fast enough it would turn into a big problem. So my doctor came in and said they could induce me right then but she wouldn't be there to deliver him or we could come in, in the morning and she would be there. So we opted for the next morning which meant he would be the born on the 22 not the 21, but I was pretty dang close! So Friday night was full of excitement and a little fear for the next day. Jarom and I made sure everything was ready then enjoyed a meal out, the last one with just the two of us, and then rented a movie. I was surprised that I got the sleep I did that night, then I got up at four thirty and just knew that there was no way I was going to be able sleep anymore so I got up, and what do you do at four thirty in the morning? Well I probably should have been cleaning or doing some last minute project but instead I decided to paint my toe nails pink! Lol, I actually got lots of compliments from the nurses too! So anyway we headed to the hospital and were admitted at seven. They broke my water at nine and started me on the petocin. Things seemed to go really slow and they had to up the petocin every half an hour. Well things started to pick up around four that afternoon and the contraction seemed to be hitting me hard, so I opted to get the epidural, they came in and gave it to me, but unfortunately it only worked on one half of me so they ended up having to do it again. Which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and seemed to be the perfect epidural for me, because i could still feel the contractions and feel my legs but I wasn't in extreme pain. So by seven thirty the contractions seemed to be coming fast and furious, so they checked me and again and i was dilated to an eight. The baby started to show signs of distress and they figured that he had the cord wrapped around his neck so all of a sudden the room was just full of people, a doctor checked me again less than a minute latter and i was dilated to a ten and ready to push. Thats when my doctor entered the room and the pushing began and about fifteen minutes latter Wrangler was here. During the end when everyone was worried about the cord and the signs of distress the baby was under Jarom and I both had a peaceful feeling that everything would be just fine. We are so great full for all of the nurses that took care of us in labor and delivery, they were just amazing! So on Monday morning we were getting ready to be discharged all of our bags were packed and we were dressed and ready to go, they had one more test to do, the jaundice test, which we were told we would be ok. Well a half hour latter and the test came back that he indeed did have jaundice most likely because of his small size, coming early, and the bruising the umbilical cord left. So instead of going home we headed up to pediatrics instead. We survived one more night in the hospital and little man under the lights, it just broke my heart to see him under there.

So the next morning they took the test again and let us go home. Jarom went to get the car which had been just sitting there since Saturday morning and to our surprise someone had hit it and didn't leave a note or anything. Some peoples kids! We kind of just laughed it off and headed home, to our own bed! We are feeling very blessed to have Wrangler and our lives and that there are no major problems with him. He is pretty darn perfect and pretty dang cute. We couldn't be more happy to have this angel sent from heaven in our homes and in our hearts forever.