Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth I mean Birthday!!!

Today is my Babe's birthday! He told me this morning that after last years birthday now he gets to count back ward, making him 29! He is just in denial of 31, but its his birthday so I will let him think whatever he wants! And to top off the day he found out he got 100% on his exam in Cost Accounting! Thats my number nerd, way to go babe! I love you tons and tons, thanks for always making me smile and laugh. Here is to 29 and many more to come!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So this morning Jarom and I headed over to the doctors office for another ultra sound to find out how BIG our little guy is. Remember I have been measuring two weeks or more ahead for the last ten weeks or so, well after two technicians and one doctor they told us that even though I am measuring big the baby is measuring to SMALL! WHAT... They said everything looks good but he is only in the 20% percentile for growth/weight. So they have me coming back in three weeks to see if he is still growing ok. Jarom and I are sure everything will be ok, its just a little confusing, ok a lot confusing. It was fun getting to see the little guy, boy was he active they would push on my stomach with the wand and he would kick at it, he sure wasn't happy with all the pocking and prodding they were doing, but it was fun to see him moving all around. So I am pretty sure my due date will stay the same, but my bets are that the little turkey will come early, just as long as we finish finals before he comes we'll be good!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

32 weeks or is it 34???

So on Tuesday it was my 32 week mark! That means I only have eight weeks to go!!! WOW time sure flies by. We have been very blessed this pregnancy, not to many scares or traumatic incidents. Just the normal aches and pains, well I think there normal I don't really have anything to compare it to. So at my appointment this week they said I am still measuring two weeks ahead, and since that been pretty steady for the last ten weeks they decided I should get another ultra sound. So sometime in the next week I will have one done and will see just how BIG this little guy really is! Over the last few weeks his kicks and punches have gotten really strong and powerful. On Sunday we were sitting in church and man oh man was he kicking, so bad it was making me sick, and SO bad that the couple sitting in the row behind us told us after the meeting that they had fun watching my stomach move during church too!!! We got a good laugh at that! He kept it up through Monday too, and made it very very hard to get any sleep that night. I asked the doctor about that on Wednesday and She said once in a while the baby gets stuck in an awkward position and has to kick his way out of it! However uncomfortable it was, I still love feeling HIM all the time, it puts a smile on my face, just to know he is there and makes this dream of ours seem a little more real. So here are my 32 week (possibly 34 week) pictures. Man, it just seems like we can never get a good picture, oh well, thats life and these will just have to do. Also the shirt looks kind of weired but you get the idea.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


For Valentines this year I bought Jarom a pair of tickets to the PBR (professional bull riding) we started out with a quick bite to eat and then headed over to the Idaho Center for the show. I wasn't really expecting much because the last time we went to it, like four years ago, it was just ok. But this year they really amped it up, the show was great and the crowd was big! Here are just a couple of pictures.
For Valentines this year I bought Jarom a pair of tickets to the PBR (professional bull riding) we started out with a quick bite to eat and then headed over to the Idaho Center for the show. I wasn't really expecting much because the last time we went to it, like four years ago, it was just ok. But this year they really amped it up, the show was great and the crowd was big! Here are just a couple of pictures.
Not the best self portrait but you get the idea! Notice Jarom's newly acquired goatee. He decided to grow one until the baby comes, I guess he thinks the baby should see some one in the family can grow hair, even if its not on our heads! He promised he would cut it as soon as the baby gets here, you better believe our hospital bag will be packed with his shaving kit!!!

They started the show with a bang, and man did it make us jump! We had a great time, and I even survived sitting on hard chair for two hours, although I had a pillow with me, man I feel old! They even had a new event, which included miniature bulls, they were awesome, and so funny to look at. They reminded us of pot belly pigs on steroids! Too funny, they had little boys who were around eleven ride them, and they did a great job. Jarom can't wait for our little Turkey to do the same...will see!!!

p.s. I just noticed how huge my head looks next to Jaroms who has half of his covered with a hat! judging please!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amazing story

This is something amazing that is going on here in Boise, Idaho. I thought I would share this story just because its cool, I love when people who have the spot light on them use it for good! I stole the story from the local news channel , Can you imagine??? How inspirational is this!!!

KISS FM DJ Keke Luv is back at it again... this time, 8 DAYS ON AIR!

by Maggie O'Mara

Posted on April 8, 2010 at 3:48 AM

Imagine going 8 days without sleep? Well, popular KISS FM D-J Keke Luv is about to try that - he starts today! He's doing it to call attention to child abuse prevention in Idaho. This is Keke's third year pulling off an amazing stunt for a good cause.

You may recall, two years ago, he stayed awake and on air for 7 DAYSstraight.


Last year, he ran 7 MARATHONS in 7 days.

Oh, yes he did!

This year - his plan is to broadcast on KISS FM for 7 days straight, and even go an 8th DAY without sleep for young Robert Manwill. Who can forget that heartbreaking story? Sadly, 8-year-old Manwill went missing over the summer. Thousands of people in our community searched for him. He was later found dead in a local canal. Investigators say he was beaten to death. His mother and her boyfriend are now charged with murder.

Robert Manwill

That means - he'll go 192 consecutive hours - 8 days without sleep! It starts today, and he won't wrap up until April 16th. That's NEXT Friday, people. His medical condition will be continually monitored by professionals to make sure that it's a safe and successful campaign.

"The biggest motivation that keeps me going is the love and amazing support from our Kiss listeners. They want the same thing I do, for child abuse to stop! All we ask is that you make a note this week to listen to the incredible stories and how we together can make a difference…tune in longer, log on often, and give me the encouragement for the energy this body will need to complete this important community effort. IT SHOULDN'T HURT TO BE A CHILD."Keke Luv

His boss is 100% behind Keke!

"With the tragic child abuse stories we have followed in the Treasure Valley over the past year, 103.3 Kiss FM's Live for 175 is more important now than ever. Assaults on kids' ages one through nine is the second cause of death here in Idaho. If we can use the significant power of 103.3 KISS FM to prevent one senseless act, this will all be worthwhile. In 2008, about five days into Live for 175, we were very close to taking Keke off the air. He was so disoriented that I was very scared for him and once I told him that, he just got this amazing energy that carried him all the way to the end." Kevin Godwin, Senior VP of Peak Broadcasting, Boise

This year, each morning blue colored "Child Abuse Awareness Wristbands" will be distributed throughout the Treasure Valley at various Dutch Brothers Coffee locations. Listeners will be able to listen, and even watch Keke broadcast live on his webcam! You can get interactive, and chat with him online at