Jarom and I had our 28 week check up at the doctors on friday. It was interesting to say the least, I am still doing great in the weight department although I know its only a matter of time, like days or maybe a week before my normal pants wont zip up anymore! But It looks like our little turkey is doing good but may want to be finished baking earlier then we had planned. Last time I went to the doctors at almost 24 weeks, they said I was measuring two weeks ahead of schedule. This time they said I am measuring 4 WEEKS AHEAD!!! They are probably going to do another ultrasound to see if one, the baby is four weeks ahead of schedule, or to see if he is just a really really big baby! Needless to say I am a little, ok a lot freaked out by either possibility. Mostly by the big baby scenario, I just don't get it and its totally confusing, but either way I guess we better prepare! If we are four weeks a head that puts me at 33 weeks on Tuesday with only seven weeks to go... ahhh! And if I am having a big baby, AHHH! On other baby news Jarom and I took our birthing Lamaze class on Saturday. It was interesting and some what informative, I am glad we took it but who knows how much of it we will really use, I have heard so many people say as soon as the pain hits everything goes out the window! We tried to make the most of it and actually had a fun time laughing together, or more like I should sayJarom making me laugh, while I was supposed to be pretend pushing through a contraction. It ended up being fun and I am glad I had my sweetheart by my side. He hasn't missed a doctors appointment yet and I just love having him by my side! Looks like I forgot to take a picture last week as I started my seventh month (I think?!) so I will have to post one soon, but until then this is the info on me and baby Wrangler. Also I am so glad spring has finally sprung... our tulips are even opening up, love it!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I think everyone has a secret job they wish they could do, or just think they would be fabulous at but we all keep it our little secret and we know its to extreme or just not realistic to talk about, think about, or even do, you know what I mean? Well I know you have a secret dream job you wish of, maybe you have two or three. I remember one of Jarom and I's first dates (wasn't really a date, we were just going for a long drive to pick up a horse, of course!) we got to talking about our secret dream jobs, I remember what he said clear as day, he would love to work for the FBI or the police department, I wasn't shocked isn't that what every little boy/grown man whats to do? That or be a firefighter, right? I can't even remember what I said probably be a police women too and a mom, who knows anyway over the years I am sure that dream job changes. Jarom now would like to be a professional cowboy, which in a way he is living his dream maybe not as a professional but still living it to some extent as for the FBI and Police department he is getting one step closer to that as well, not quite like you think. He is graduating in August (hopefully) with a bachelors in accounting and then its off to more school at BSU for a masters in Financing which hopefully will lead him to his dream of becoming a Forensic Auditor for the FBI or for the Police department while still being a cowboy on the side I just want to give a shout out to my husband how proud I am of him for living his dreams and getting his schooling done, I know its taken him longer then expected or wanted but I am just proud of him for doing it! Way to go babe!!! As for me and my dream job/jobs I will tell you about those in the next few days...... (can you tell I don't have a whole lot to post about)
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 10:09 AM 1 comments