Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas, EH!?... WARNING LOTS OF PICTURES!!!

Merry Christmas to all, heres what we have been up too...
We tuckered out the grandparents pretty quickly...
The gifts were unwrapped in a matter of minutes...
Santa was there eating all his cookies...
The donkey and the green bush lived happily ever after (Thats right i was a green bush!)
The whole nativity worked out great...
Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus were there too...
Here is the donkey in all his glory...
The candy was beat by two sisters...
The presents got wrapped by two beautiful girls...
The tree was full with presents galore...
The stockings were hung, all straight in a row...

We have been having a wonderful christmas with family and friends and hope you are as well. We are grateful for this time of year and the true meaning of christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ and remember all that he has done for us and the many things we have to be grateful for. MERRY CHRISTMAST and will see you in 2010!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


We made it to our destination all the way to CANADA!!! It only took us two days.... and since we have been in Canada it hasn't stopped snowing for four days! We are hoping we don't get snowed and stuck here. But we are enjoy the time with family we have had a movie marathon and have been playing tons of games and cooking breakfast everyday together. We love being in Jarom's parents home and they make us feel so welcome, that it feels like our home! We hope that everyone is having a great Christmas season and enjoying time with family! P.S. Mom and Dad thank you for taking care of the dogs we love you and miss you and hope you have a very merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Having a hard time...

Man I am having the hardest time trying to figure out what on earth to get Jarom for Christmas! I have some boring, practical gifts but nothing fun for him. Anybody have any ideas??? I am kind of in a hurry to get something, of course leave it to me to wait until the last minute! We are headed north on saturday and everything up there is three times more expensive!!! So please give me some ideas, p.s. Jaroms not the video game type so nothing like that...

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Basque Museum

For my Sociology classes finale project we had to go to some kind of cultural event and write a research paper, not really sure what that has to do with sociology but no the less we went and we saw. The Basque Museum was a small museum but it was full of rich history of the people. It was kind of funny because Jarom and I were the only people there for the whole two hours we spent there, put it was pretty fascinating to learn about. Idaho is the only state in the nation that has a Basque section of town with a restaurant, hotel, and market. Also Idaho has the largest number of Basques in the nation which is pretty incredible. Here are some fun facts about them: Columbus sailed to the New World in a Basque ship with Basque sailors, A Basque navigator was the first person to sail around the world, a Basque explorer was the second person to sail around the world. Just a few facts that we learned that made us wonder, why dont they teach you that in school??? It made us leave thinking Christopher Columbus who...? Here are a couple of lame pictures of the event, please excuse our appearances we were both sick, although i do think Jarom looks might Sexy with my purse, what do you think?