We spent last night enjoying the summer evening picking cherries and playing with horses. One of the places Jarom uses to train horses has a big cherry tree, the lady who owns it is so nice to let us have as many as we want, so we picked a few and then spent some time in this open field of hers were some of the horses are kept. As soon as we stepped in to the field we were lovingly attacked by all of the new colts they had this year, i think there are six maybe seven, anyway they sure do love people! One of them kept nibbling on my bum every time i turned around. I am just glad he didn't take a big bite, although i could use some kind of vanishing act back there! Jarom loves spending time at this place and from the picture i am sure you can see why. Also over the last weekend we had Carmen and Ryan (jaroms sister & husband) over, we also invited his brother shem and his wife reilly and our friends the Johnsons and played games. One of our favorites to play in a big group is called Would you Rather, it is so funny! The game has some fun challenges and as you can see Ryan's was not that enjoyable for him, but he was a good sport! Carmen's was pretty gross too, we got to put anything we wanted to under her nose and she had to guess what it was by just smelling it! Gross, she is even six months pregnant but she really wanted to do it so we let her! Anyway if you are looking for a new group game, i highly recommend it, so fun!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Summer fun!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 11:11 AM 4 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Congrats KRIS!!!
My Brother Kris graduates form college today!!! He has worked really hard for this and we couldn't be more proud of him and his beautiful wife, who of course it wouldn't have been possible without! My parents and grandparents are there to see him walk the line this morning. We wish we were too! But take some pictures for us! We are all so proud of him, he is the first in our little family of four to get a full college education! Way to go KRIS WE LOVE YOU, P.S. DON'T TRIP!!! Oh and Mom did you notice what time I am posting this!!! Your dog insisted we get up at 5:30 A.M.!!! THANKS
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 5:27 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
babysitting awhile ago...
So i was just thinking about how i have been really bad at posting things for awhile now, not sure why I just havent been keeping up with it. So i thought i would post some pictures of the night we babysat for Jaroms brother Glen and Kathy. We always LOVE watching there kids, instead of it being a chore its more of a privilege for us to watch them. We always have so much fun with the two of them. One of our favorite things to do with them is read, there parents have instilled in them a passion for stories and books and it just makes my heart melt that they would rather look at books or be read to then watch tv. So the night they slept over I gave K her bath and then L his and when i finished with L this is what I found!
By the way that is a book my mom saved form my childhood. And of course we had to have some fun with L and his rocker style hair, i think i feel the need to play with someones hair since i don't have my own, he he! L just loved the opportunity to have his photo taken, and he just couldn't get enough of the rocking chair either, he kept calling if his chair!
We hope you guys are having fun in Canada for the summer, we miss you and love you tones, and tell you mom she better post some new pictures soon or aunty corinne will be sad!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 2:00 PM 2 comments