Ok so Jarom and I have been looking for a deep freezer for awhile now. We want something small and cheap, so every now and then I go on to Craigslist to see if I can find anything. Anyway this is the add i came across today, no joke I am not making this stuff up it really said this word for word.
"hi all. I got this freezer, and it needs to go, go, go. does it work? It will, when you fix it. The plus side, it is build like my mother-in-law, Big, fat, and ugly. When you come to get it, be prepared to go up some concrete stairs. Oh, ya, when the freezer is plugged in, it sounds like a 70 year old, with a smokers hack. Sounds just like my mother-in-law....if interested in the freezer or mother -in law 461-4315....both come real cheap."
Can you believe that! Funny but super rude to his mother in law. Even if its a joke its still so not funny! People will do and say anything these days to sell the junk. (P.S.Just so you know I LOVE my Mother in law, she is so sweet and beautiful, love her to death!)
Monday, April 27, 2009
This made me laugh!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 4:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
THE BIG 30!!!
SHHHHH... Don't tell Jarom I told you how old he is! Today is my mans birthday! We are going to keep it low key, we already had a family party for him on Sunday. Tonight is just me and him, the way I like it! Lasagna and french bread for dinner, all made from scratch. And chocolate cake with confetti frosting. He was so upset when we went to the store to pick out the food and they don't carry Rainbow bit frosting any more, his favorite! (he is such a kid at heart!) So confetti frosting will just have to do. Anyway I hope his has a great one and knows how much I love him, he is my knight, and i couldn't be happy without him!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 12:33 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Part 2 of: another trip to Seattle
sorry it has taken me so long to post part two! You know how it is if you don't do it right when you are thinking about it then you just forget all about it! While we were there we went to this under water museum which was all about Submarines, it sounds kind of dull but it was actually pretty insight full and fun. Then we headed over to a little Norwegian town called Poulsbo, we enjoyed some of the little shops and the bakery! YUM! We also got to enjoy a ferry ride to Seattle, feeding the Seagulls (don't tell Jarom but it was pretty funny watching him feed them for the first time, he was scared of them! lol so cute!) Then we went down the Pikes Market place and enjoyed all the colorful, people, food, smells, and sights that you can only find in down town Seattle! Thanks again for letting us come!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 11:11 AM 7 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Part 1 of: another trip to Seattle
We found out that Jarom and Kris(my brother) had spring break at the same time this year, so we decided to head up there for a little visit. We had so much fun spending time with the family, it was Jaroms first time meeting the twins, Anna & Becca. They are so stinking cute!!! And Kiera too! We went the long way to get to there house so we could miss some of the mountain passes and see Multnomah Falls. This trip was full of first for Jarom First time to see the twins,first time to visit Kris and Diana in Port Orchard, first time to Multnomah Falls, first time on a ferry, and first time to down town Seattle. We had a great time and cant wait for the next time we get to see them. Kris and Diana were so great about letting us stay with them, we just loved every minute of it! Sorry there are so many pictures I wanted to share!!! (p.s. i will post more latter)
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 12:28 PM 3 comments