Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Love Day!!!

This year for Valentines day Jarom and I slept in, then we went to the cheese cake factory and to the Boise Mall. We had fun just spending time together and finding some good deals. Then that evening our stake had a Dinner and dance. The theme was "Dancing through the decades" So Jarom and I dressed as hippies, we kind of threw the outfits together last minute. Anyway our good friends the Johnson's dressed as eight prom dates. It was a blast even though we ended up only dancing one dance. We then headed over to the Bowling alley were were Jarom and I blow them out of the water with our stellar bowling skills, j.k. I stink at bowling. Anyway here are a few fun shots of the evening. The Johnson's have been our good friends for the last two years, and now they are moving. We just don't know what we are going to do with out them we love them and there kids so much and are grateful for all the memories we have made with them. We will miss you guys, please don't go!!! Ok well if you have to you better come and visit!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekend in Salt Lake

Last weekend Jarom and I headed down to Salt Lake on an errand for his parents. While we were there we got to have a big family party with his four sisters and there families. We had a great time being with them, and just visiting. On Saturday morning we decided to venture out and see what we could find. We ended up at a western store called A.A. Callisters and boy oh boy was Jarom in heaven!!! I think we spent two whole hours in that store and enjoyed every minute! We even picked out our V-DAY gifts for ourselves. (i know how sad!) Jarom got a new Cowboy hat and I got a pair of boots, that look like everyday shoes. Needless to say I enjoyed myself too! :) Usually when we go to Salt lake we like to visit temple square because we were married there but this time we only got to enjoy it through the window of the car as we drove by. Anyway here are a few snap shoots of the weekend.