Monday, December 8, 2008

nightlight parade and crafting

On Saturday night we went to the Caldwell Night Light Parade. It wasn't much but we still had fun freezing our behinds off! And lets not forget the hot chocolate, that spilled down my coat and under four layers of clothes all the way to my belly button, I know TMI. But I got have my chocolate!!! Also on Saturday i spent most of the day with my Mom working on some Christmas crafts. This one is for Jaroms sister (its ok, she doesn't blog, hopefully...) Anyway i feel like that's all i have been doing crafting for Christmas i just want to get it done, so i don't have to worry about it, but i have a feeling that isnt going to happen!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

So for thanksgiving we headed out to Bruneau to the Family farm. I dint take any pictures, not sure why. I think i was to overwhelmed by all the food. Plus they stuck all of us "kids" (anyone under 25 plus Jarom he he) in a room of our own, just like when we were little kids. Although this time we did manage to keep all of our food on our plates and drinks in the cups so its safe to say we have made some progress! After wards we played a little bit of ddr and sat around and talked. It was great. Then after all the shopping on Friday we had our Cousin Penny and Her Fiance Steve over to my parents house for a little party! So we found out that Penny had three bridal showers down in Utah and no one gave her lingerie!!! No one. I always thought that was kind of the point. But there family is a bit more reserved then mine (aka a lot) and the normal gift to give for them is kitchen stuff. Poor Steve was so disappointed, and we couldn't let that happen! So it just so happened that Steve's birthday was Saturday so what do you think we got him...that's right some lingerie. Of course he promised not to use it until after they are married. But boy was he excited he kept thanking us and even sent us thank you notes in the mail. I think he was just glad he didn't have to go buy it! P.S. Look at Penny's face she is so shocked! But even she was happy with our choices in lingerie. We had such a great thanksgiving and are truly grateful for all of our blessing especially our family and friends.