Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dad we hope you had a great birthday, even though we spent the day eating turkey and stacking wood at grandmas! We love you and I am so proud you are my Dad! Thanks for being a great example to me. I love you tons! And CONGRADULATIONS on the new job promotion!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Twilight Movie

So we went to see Twilight on the first day it came out, we stood in line for an hour and half with about two hundred or more fans. Jarom and I were surprised to see how many guys were there, i think it made him feel "good" that he wasn't the only guy besides my dad. When the movie started you couldn't even think there was so much screaming and excitement! And every time one of the main characters aka "Edward, and brothers" walked into the movie the screaming would start again! CRAZY, how passionate people get about movies and books. I must confess I feel the same way I just dont scream out loud! :) Anyway the movie was OK, that's all it was for me. I thought they left out a lot of important stuff, and didn't exactly stay line with the book. Maybe I just had to high of expectations, not sure but I think if you haven't read the books then you probably wont really get "it"! So if you ask me the Book was way better, so start reading!!! Besides the book is only for dollars at Walmart, so you will actually be saving money. Compaired to the 9.50$ per ticket, and you never go alone so you will be saving lots of money! And who doesn't like that?

Monday, November 24, 2008

The 4 M's

Beware, LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!!! This was the second photo shoot i got to do of my Beautiful friend and her two kids! Plus her husband for a couple of shots and her puppies! It was alot harder then i thought it would be. But thats what i get for thinking it would be easy to take pictures of a two year old and a seven month old! It was lots of fun, and we got a lot of great photos! THANKS M,M,M,& M!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tagged again

My cousin Sommer tagged me, so here you go...

Rules: Copy and paste questions. One word answers only. Tag other people.

1.Where is your cell phone? desk
2.Where is your significant other? horses
3.Your hair color? translucent
4.Your mother? awesome
5.Your father? lovable
6.Your favorite thing? Jarom
7.Your dream last night? weird
8.Your dream/goal? Motherhood
9.The room you’re in? dinning/office
10.Your hobby? crafts
11.Your fear? childless
12.Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
13.Where were you last night? home
14.What you’re not? smart
15.One of your wish list items? chair
16.Where you grew up? Boise
17.The last thing you did? blog
18.What are you wearing? p.j.
19.Your t.v.? off
20.Your pet? two
21.Your computer? oooooooollllllllddddddddd
22.Your mood? quite
23.Missing someone? jarom
24.Your car? messy
25.Something you’re not wearing? bra
26.Favorite store? Kohl's
27.Your summer? gone
28.Love someone? forever
29.Favorite color? red
30.Last time you laughed? morning
31.Last time you cried? yesterday

OK I am tagging Kathy and Kim

Thursday, November 6, 2008

second try...

Okay so here are a few of my favorite pictures from last Friday. Jarom and I took our niece and nephew to the park for some pictures. I am not so sure a park with a huge playground is the place to take kids for photos, they were a little distracted. But we had fun anyways! It was so funny because every time we would try to get a picture of the kids together kimmy would huge levi, all nice and sweet and soft and levi would scream and start crying! I am afraid the sibling rivalry is starting already Kathy!!! But we would just start laughing and Levi would say "Done, done!" So cute!!! I just LOVE these kids!