So I have been saving for a camera for a while now and i did a lot of research on what kind to get, and i finally settled on a Nikon D60, and it finally came on Monday!!! I was so excited! I have been wanting to get into photography for a while and maybe take some classes, so this was the first step. So when you get a new camera what do you do with it...take pictures of course!!! Poor Jarom, since he is the only one in the house hold he gets to be the model for me. Actually i think he kind of enjoyed it, since i let him stay in his "cowboy clothes" (that's what we call his work clothes) and he got to be around the horses, he didn't have much to complain about. So here are a few sample ones of him, tell me what you think! Remember this is the first day i had the camera. If you cant tell i really liked changing the color to sepia, it just made the cowboy pictures seem more rustic. SO tomorrow i am going to take my friends little girls pictures, i cant wait!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
my first photo session
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 5:18 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Baby sitting...
Over the weekend Jarom's brother and his wife went to celebrate there anniversary, while we watched there kids. They have two of the best kids ever, seriously. We just love when Kimberly and Levi come over, even though sometimes they can be bite of a hand full, but i only think that is expected when you watch a two and a three year old. But we had so much fun with them. We played at a friends house and jumped in the leaves, carved pumpkins, rode horses, played with puppies. And the highlight was going to our ward carnival on Saturday the kids had so much fun dressing up. Kimberly was a cow girl and Levi was a horse. The pictures we took were a little blurry the kids had a hard time holding still after all the cotton candy, ice cream, cupcakes and more we had at the party. I love spoiling them!!! The first two pictures are of Levi one day he decided he didn't want to nap so he just layed there for three hours! I walked over to him to see if he was finally asleep and this is what i saw!!! All in all we love spending time with Kimberly and Levi!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The search for mustangs...
Jarom and a couple of his friends went to the Owyhee moutains on Saturday in search for wild mustangs. They didn't find any but they had a great time trying! Here are few pictures of there outing.
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Turning 25!!!
So Sunday I turned the dreaded 25!!! I say dreaded only because i feel, old. Which Jarom happily reminded me that i was half way to 50! I think each year we don't have a child and aren't done with school, make our birthdays hard! But despite the dreaded year older, and after i was done with the pity party,i had a great birthday. On Friday night Jarom and i loaded up the horses and headed out to celebration park were we enjoyed a sunset ride, just the two of us. If that sounds mushy and romantic that's because it was! :) Then on Saturday morning we head over to fire and ice pottery studio with my parents and painted some things, i will post them when we pick them up. I am not sure how they will turn out because its our first time painting ceramics and there brushes sucked, so it was alot harder then i thought it would be. Anyway after that Jarom and I did a little shopping. And then i headed out for our monthly girls only dinner. We went to this little vintage place called "Donnie Macs Trailer Park Cuisine" it was a fun atmosphere with shower curtains, jeans, and old cars for decoration. The food was good too! Then on Sunday Jarom made me Breakfast in bed, he is the best. Then after church we went to my parents for a fabulous meal! (thanks mom, love ya) And watched old movies of my dad growing up, it sounds kind of lame but it really was a great birthday! And to top it all of today we got to thinking that i never actually had a birthday cake, so Jarom got me an ice cream cake! To fun!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 9:48 PM 7 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ruben for dinner
So last night i finally made this Ruben Jarom has been begging for me to make it for the last two weeks! I think it is a European dish, i am not sure.But you use sauerkraut in it and alot of Americans don't know what that is. Also it has corn beef, swiss cheese, and thousand island dressing. But my mom has always made them since we were little kids. Usually she would make them when grandpa Jones would come to visit or around the holidays, its kind of like a comforter food. Luckily Jarom LOVES it! And its not to hard to make and it doesn't take that long either, because if it did trust me i wouldn't make it! Anyway yesterday i got to grind our wheat for food storage (thanks mom) and so i decided i would use some of it for the Ruben, it turned out great! So here's to fall and comfort food, whats yours? p.s. sorry pictures are so fuzzy, i am waiting for my new camera to come in the mail! So pictures are from cell phone!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 9:39 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I've been tagged, things about Corinne
A is for your age: 24 for five more days
B is for burger of choice: Red Robbin burgers
C is for the car you drive: 2002 Chevy Malibu
D is for your dog's name: Brutus and Daisy
E is for essential item you use every day: bed
F is for favorite TV show at the moment:I don't really have a favorite that's on now. But when "so you think you can dance" is on i am hooked!!!
G is for favorite game: would you rather
H is for home state: Idaho
I is for instruments you play: Nothing, how sad
J is for favorite juice: Orange
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: myself
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: Fudrukers (sp?)
M is for your favorite Muppet: Kermit
N is for number of piercings: 1 set
O is for overnight hospital stays: when i was sick as a baby that's all
P is for people you were with today: Amy, Gerren, Jarom
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Blog, Read, Sleep, scrapbook
R is for biggest regret: Dumb boys in high school
S is for status: Happily married for 6 years
T is for time you woke up today: 7:30 a.m.
U is for what you consider unique about yourself:well we can definitely sate the obvious!!! I don't have hair! Can you tell?
V is for vegetable you love: Corn
W is for worst habit: cracking my knuckles
X is for x-rays you've had: knee, wrist, chest nothing ever broken though
Y is for yummy food you ate today: nothing so far but a banana
Z is for zodiac: Libra
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Miss you!!!
These are my sweet little nieces and nephew. They moved away few months ago to Tennessee and we miss them so so so much!!! I got an email this morning from there mom Kim and just had to share this cute photos with everyone! We miss you Barrows!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 10:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Trip part two
So on my trip to Seattle i did get to do a few things. Almost every day i got to go to the park with Keira, and man does she love the park. I think she runs faster and longer then most adults i know, i think she is going to be a marathon runner like her mom. And on the way to the park there are lots of blackberries so we would always stop along the way and eat a few. We also enjoyed playing with play dough and coloring. Also one of the first days i was there Kiera and i painted our nails pink, super fun. Also one of the funnest things we did was have an un-birthday birthday party. I know you are thinking huh??? Well one morning while watching sesame street with Kiera the whole theme of the show was Birthdays. So for the next three days she was constantly asking to make a birthday cake. So we did, and we saved it for the day when my cousin Jeanette came over and everyone was home and we had a party. Kiera even enjoyed having her own personal cake. Then Diana, Jeanette and I had fun catching up and making cards. Diana and I even got to venture out for two hours while Kris watched the girls. Thanks Kris and Diana for sharing your house, food and family with me. I love and miss you guys all the time!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 10:12 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Trip part one
Well i finally made it home form Seattle. I had such a good time helping out there. The twins are so great. I mean seriously good babies! And super cute. One of the days i was there a gal from there ward came over and did a photo shoot. I think it turned out really well. I only snagged a few pictures, i was trying not to get in the way so they aren't that cute. But you get the idea. They are both growing and finally feeling out there saggy skin. They look so cute. I just don't know what i am going to do with my days now.
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 12:32 PM 4 comments