Monday, September 22, 2008

Here I come Seattle!!!

I leave tomorrow for Seattle. I will be helping my brother and his beautiful wife out with there adorable new twin girls. I cant wait to see them in person!!! And to hangout with my niece Kiera who is one of my favorite almost three year olds, around! Wish me luck, from what i have heard i am taking over my mom's shift which just so happens to be the FOUR AM shift. And to know me is to know I am so not a morning person!!! But i guess i will learn to sacrifice for these two little cuties. I am excited to go see them but two weeks is a LONG time to be apart from Jarom! Thank goodness there are cell phones, and frozen pizza which he lives off when i am not around! So i wont be doing any blogging until October, due to the fact that they don't have Internet. (unless we go to her parents house and use it, we just might have too) So watch out Seattle because here i come!P.S. I took the above picture last time we were in Seattle, from a ferry boat.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Card Club!!!

So once a month there are eight of us gals from the ward who get together and make and share cards. We each make one and then teach everyone else how to make it. So at the end of the night we go home with eight new cards. We have such a blast talking, laughing and eating whatever good food someone brought. Its always fun to have a girls night. Plus this group is really diverse with life styles and ages, we have a few grandma's, soon to be moms, and ME! LOL!!! We have been going strong for over a year now and i hope we can continue for a few more years to come, or until we move, which ever comes first! Above are some of the cards and some of the girls, not everyone could come. But we sure do have a blast once a month!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It pays to be prepared

So a few weeks ago we were getting in to our car and backing out of the drive way when Jarom noticed that there was a bulge on his truck tire, he calls it a pimple. So he made sure to put his spare tire into the back of the truck just in case. So last night we are head to our friends house for some dinner, family home evening and the boys were going to work on some horses. So we are just getting to the railroad tracks at the same time another truck is, and we here this sssssssssssss really loud we looked at each other and said "sucks to be that, guy" (yes we would have helped him) then the guy gives us this look like "Sucks to be you" we both realized it was our tire!!! So we made it over the train tracks and to the gas station, were Jaroms skills came in handy. All he let me do was watch in the shade and take a few pictures against his will. But i am sure glad i have a prepared husband! Other wise we would have had to walk all the way home!!! In the heat!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Boots, Bicycle, Birthday party

Well we had a fun event filled weekend. On Friday night we went to dinner with my parents and then Jarom went with my dad to the drive-in and saw The Mummy, and Batman, both the new ones.(hence the reason us girls didn't go!) My mom and I went shopping and then back home to watch a chick flick. We had a really great time. Then on Saturday Jarom and I went for a nice long bike ride, it was so great. Then that afternoon we went to D&B and bought ourselves some new boots, it was kind of our un official anniversary gifts. Since on our really anniversary we were in a car moving his parents to Canada we really didn't get to do anything special or give each other any gifts. So we decided it was time Jarom got some new boots, and he has been begging me for years to get some to, but i just couldn't imagine spending hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes. But he finally got me talked into it since we now have a few horses to ride. Don't worry i am way to cheap to pay that much, but we did find a good deal on some for me that we just couldn't pass up. So what do you do when you have new boots? You go ride, and ride we did. It was really nice to enjoy the peace and quite of country life, and we timed it perfect and got to enjoy a beautiful sunset together. Then on Sunday we head over to Kathy and Glens for Kimberly's 3rd birthday. It was so much fun watching her open her gifts, she was so excited about everything! She was funny every time you would say "Happy birthday Kimberly!" She would respond with "Happy birthday to you auntie Corinne!" So cute!!! What a great weekend.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

They have Names!!!

I am happy to report that twin A and twin B now have names. Twin A's name is Anna Melody Jones and Twin B's is Becca Hope Jones. I am not sure on the way they are spelling anything yet but you get the gist. So they are officially named!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well still no news on the names yet, but here are some cute pictures!!! They are so tiny. I love the last one with them holding hands! Enjoy!!!

The Twins are here!!!

Yesterday Kris and Diana welcomed two little girls into this world. At 10:27 a.m. TWIN A was born weighing 5lb 3oz and 17.7in long. And at 10:37 a.m. TWIN B was born weighing 4lb 12oz and 18in long. Both have a little bit of hair and for right now Kris says you can tell them apart, mostly because of the weight difference. Both babies are doing well now, and so is mom. Hopefully we will get some pictures today to share with you all! They still haven't picked there names out yet, so i will keep you posted on that too.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sewing for Two!!!

Well Kris and Diana (my brother and sister in law) Went in to the hospital last night at around 9:00p.m. and this morning they were going to induce her at 7:00 a.m. So who knows she might have had them already, we haven't heard yet!!! We pray that everything goes well and that mom and babies are alright. I will keep you up dated. So in the mean time i thought i better get sewing. This morning i finished the baby blankets, nothing fancy but super cute, if i do say so my self. I am planning on going up to Seattle to help on September 23 and will stay for two weeks, i cant wait to see my two newest niece, and Keira. We just love spending time with them all!!! I will take pictures of the the twins and post them when i get there. Please keep them all in your prayers, she is having them three weeks early.