So we made it home, finally!!! On the 13Th of August we headed down to Salt lake for My sister in law (Carmen's) wedding which was on the 15Th. And was such a gorgeous reception and she looked so beautiful everything was perfect. And we couldn't be more excited about our new brother in law Ryan, he is such a great guy! Then on Saturday we packed up Jaroms parents and on Monday at 10:00p.m. we left for Canada. We finally got there on Wednesday at 6:00p.m., and we drove straight there only stopping to use the bathroom get gas or food. We never even stopped to sleep!!! Such a long drive with two moving trucks, and it didn't help that they wouldn't let us through the first border, so we had to go to a different one! Anyway we spent Thursday there unpacking the house and then that night a 9:00p.m. we turned around and went home and finally got back to Boise Saturday at 7:00p.m. What a trip, there were 16 of us that went to help them move so it was pretty entertaining. But to know me is to know I hate driving anywhere, but i did alright with my sleeping pills and a good book and a great reading buddy Jennie!(jarom had to drive the big moving trucks) Any way needless to say next time we go to visit them in Fort McMurry we are totally FLYING!!! We decided to calculate were we could fly in the amount of time it took us to get to Canada and back, we could have gone to France and back three times!!! The things we do for family! We sure do love them and are going to miss them tons! I only got a few pictures of people sleeping but i will get the rest to you later! Oh and don't worry we did get a few wonder bars! The best Canadian candy bar ever, you got to try it!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Oh Canada and a wedding!!!
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tomorrow we leave for Utah, Jaroms sister Carmen is getting married on Friday (the ones i made all those invites for) and then Saturday morning we are packing up Jaroms Parents house and moving them twenty four hours away to Canada!!! Its going to be such a quick trip there and back, and we are not exactly sure we will be able to get over the border. Neither of us have a passport, but it looks like we will be changing that soon! Jim (jaroms dad) got a great job up there doing legal consulting for a big corporation. We are super sad to see them move so far away but we are excited for them in there new adventure. And the chance we will get to visit them there.
Posted by Jarom & Corinne at 9:05 AM 1 comments