Friday, June 20, 2008


Well Carmen I hope you know how much I love you! Because this was a lot of hard work, there was blood sweat and tears that went into this project! Ok so i am being a little dramatic, but it was a lot of hard work. I think i spent about three weeks working on this and probably a good sixty hours. Thank you to my mom and Jarom i am almost done!!! I don't think I realized how hard and long these would take to make, but i know you and Ryan are worth it. I hope you like them. I made 550 wedding invitations for my dear sister in law Carmen and her man Ryan, they are getting married on August 15 in the bountiful temple. Now i know you are thinking "hello that's not for another month and a half, whats the rush?" Well to know me is to know i don't like to wait until the last minute to do these kinds of projects that other people are waiting for, so i did them in time to take to Utah on are way to Ruth's wedding this Friday! So i don't have to worry about them and they can take there time stuffing the envelopes. Good luck! Don't get any paper cuts! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well last Thursday my brother and his family drove down from Seattle to spend a week with us. So we headed up to my moms bosses cabin which is only about an hour away. We had such a great time just being together. We went hiking, went to a pond and used the pattle boats, watched movies and played games. We also ate tons of good food, i think way to much good food!!! Then on Saturday we came in to Boise to see my cousin Trentons wedding, although we actually only made it to the lunch in it was great to see family and friends and to see how happy Trenton was. Then back to the cabin for more fun. I don't think any of us wanted to leave the wilderness and the peace and quite. Except for maybe Keira because she hated the bugs, and when i say hate i mean hate. Then on Tuesday night we took them all riding out to the place were Jarom keeps his horse. It was fun to see Kiera actually get on the horse, we thought she might be afraid of the horse too, but she will do almost anything her daddy does. We all just love it when Kris and Diana come we wish they could just move down here so we can see them all the time. (I can dream, cant I?) I will post some pictures of the week soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Dash Ryan Cornia

So my dear friend Nicole finally had her baby boy. He came a couple of weeks early because his mom has been having some kidney stone problems. But all is well with both at the moment. Jarom and I got to go down to the hospital last night and see the newest member of the Cornia family. Baby Dash weighed 6lbs 3oz and 20inches long and has a little bit of hair. It was great being able to hold him, I really wish i could take him home with me and someday hopefully we will get the chance to bring one home.But until then THANK YOU to everyone how lets us pretend to be Mom and Dad once in awhile. We sure do love it!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend!!!

Wow, i hate it when you have such a good fun filled weekend and it goes by super fast! My grandpa and grandma Jones came down for the weekend and when ever they come you can count on two things, one we always go out to eat a couple of times they treat us all, and two we shop tell we drop! So Friday night we went to dinner with my parents and them to the new wingers that opened out here, it was pretty good. Then we went to a few stores and back to my parents house to play games. Then Saturday morning we joined them for breakfast, which was super good! (thanks mom) and then my mom and grandma and i really did shop tell we dropped. We went to two malls and a total of eleven stores. We were on a mission to find me an outfit for my friends wedding it had to be in her colors lime green and brown. And of course i found the perfect one at the very last store we went to! We also enjoyed lunch and dessert at the cheese cake factory, love love love there cheese cake! Then that evening the boys went to an indoor arena football game, and my mom had to work so that left grandma Peggy and i at home. So her and i cut out all the fabric for quilts for Kris and Diana's twins. They are going to be gorgeous quilts. It was fun just to spend some time talking and laughing with her. I am so glad they came down i wish they could come more often. Then on Sunday Jarom and I headed back to my parents house for Sunday dinner and a movie. What a great weekend. The only bad part was jarom and his horse had a pretty bad fall. The horse tripped on some rocks and fell on top of jarom. The horse cut up its head pretty good, and jarom hurt his leg but its not broke and he says it doesn't hurt to bad. So other then that minor detail we had a great weekend, and cant wait for the coming one Kris and Diana and Kiera are coming for a week!!!