Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July, 2011

This 4th of July started just like every other.....The Clearfield Parade.  It is a tradition in our family, we always go and I will probably be 80 still sitting out at the Clearfield Parade.  I just wish it had a few more actual floats in the parade.  It is basically one big commercial, everyone is advertising something.  They slap a sticker on the side of a truck and ta-da, you have a float...NOT!  The kids enjoy it and always end up with a sack full of candy so I guess that is what is important. 

The 4th of July was always one of my Grandma and Grandpa Weaver's favorite holidays.  After the family went to the parade we would always end up at Grandma's for some R&R and KFC.  These are memories I will have forever, playing in the drive way or playing "Shadin' Up" on a blanket in the grass.  Now that they are gone, we improvise.....

This year my Aunt thought it would be nice to meet at the cemetery and do a balloon release, it was a great idea.  It was nice to be all together thinking of them , remembering what a special holiday this was for them and knowing that they are proud of each and every one of us.

These are all the Great Grand kids.  There are a few missing but the majority were there.  My Grandparents loved the little ones, I picture them holding hands looking down on us and as we all had a tear in our eye I am sure they did too.

We decided to have the evening be very low key and stay home.  After our whirlwind weekend we were kinda pooped.  Nate bought me a fire pit for Christmas and we were finally able to get it out and enjoy it.  We roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the West Point and Hooper fireworks from the comfort of our very own trampoline, with blankets, pillows and all.  We lit a few fireworks in the front yard but mostly enjoyed just being at home.  These two people are my little piece of heaven on earth.  I am so blessed.

Weaver Family Reunion July 2011

On July 3rd at Nicholls Park in Fruit Heights my Dad's side of the family (The Weaver's) all got together for a family reunion.  Everybody was there except for Stacy and her family, they are at boy scout camp.  Kate came from Taiwan, Ryan and his family came from Kansas, Rod and Joy even came down from Portland.  To be honest I was dreading it, it was supposed to be 100 degrees that day and I am just too allergic to hot, sun and sweating to be able to deal with that kind of heat.  But I would have never missed it and I am happy to report that I didn't die, in the shade it was very tolerable.  My Dad and Rod we in charge of the grills and they were hopping with hamburgers and hot dogs.  Everybody else brought salads or chips or desserts.  I was in charge of a couple "Minute to Win It" games and I found a face painter to come for the kids.  The kids loved all of it, I think.  They played the games several times but I am sure it had something to do with the fact that Karen had a great big thing of toys for prizes.  And since everybody wins, everybody gets a prize.  It was really fun to see everyone and hang out like that, we grew up doing a lot of things together and as our family has grown it makes it much more difficult to get together.  Basically the only place we fit all together anymore is at a park.  We are going to have a "Cousins Party" on the 16th, before Kate goes back to Taiwan.  They are always fun and I am sure there will be much I WON"T be able to report!