Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas, Christmas and More Christmas

WHAT????...... It's OVER?????
Aubree is quite disturbed that Christmas is over. She asked me "What are we gonna do now Mom?" And I happily told her... REST!!!! Well that lasted about 10 minutes. We played from the second we woke up yesterday to the second we went to bed (at midnight, might I add). I am just glad she likes all of her toys. We had a great Christmas and were just very thankful to be together.
This is Christmas Day... We had Nate's family over for Christmas dinner it was fun except for the turkey was a little shy about coming out. An hour and a half behind schedule is no big deal when you have a house full of people waiting to eat (yeah right!!!!). Martha would have shot herself I am sure!!!
Nate's cousin Katy and her husband Jon
Jade, holding Coco and Aubree's new babies.
Dustin and Braunson playing his new PSP
Hannah Montana-live in concert. And yes Aubree did dress herself

Our sweet baby Molly
Aubree showing off her cupcake maker she got from Grandma Trish and Grandpa John

She is giving Grandpa a thank you hug!! She had the best manners, I hardly ever had to remind her to say thank you.
Grandma Trish, holding her newest Grand Babies Grandma and Grandpa Weaver came over in the morning to make sure Santa brought everything she asked for. The night before at their house they gave Aubree a Tinkerbell MP3 player. She put it on in the morning to show them and if anybody talked to her she would scream back at them that she couldn't hear you. We were all rolling, it was so funny! She thinks she is pretty dang cool with it though.

This is our new baby, Booey Bear. Yes it is a monkey but her name is Booey Bear, don't ask me

I have the cutest family!!! I just love them.
Aubree wrapped up 10 things for Molly, she unwrapped each of them and took them outside 1 by 1 and buried them. We seriously don't know where any of them are.

Aubs showing off what Santa brought, we all love this kitty so much!! It is just like having a real kitty but better. It NEVER, EVER turns off or sits quietly, we love it!!!

Booey in her new bed

Santa came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He even ate the cookies that Aubree left him, she left one plate for him and one plate for Mrs. Clause. She said that she hopes Santa took Mrs' Clause's cookies to her and didn't eat them.
This is the scene on the way to my Dad's on Christmas Eve. She had to get a nap in I guess.
Christmas Eve is so fun. It is chaos from beginning to end but that is why it is so much fun. There are kids and presents and food everywhere. We love it.
My brothers Bart and Shane, Shane's wife Steph and their son Kade
My step-mom Karen showing off her new super cool IPod
The adults played Christmas Charades and the kids watched the original Santa Clause is coming to town.
Thanks Dad and Karen for everything!!!
Taryn got a cell phone FINALLY!!! Yeah!!!

Jeff, Keri and Tavis
Karen, my sister Stacy and her husband Rob
Bart and his son Devon. Devon hasn't ever been able to come over on Christmas Eve before and it was awesome to have him there. He fit in just like he had always been there.

Aubs and Kam-this was Aubree's Christmas dress when she was 21 months old. Kam looked so cute in it and I love to see her wear Aubree's clothes.
This is the food and cookie that she left for Rudolph. We have learned that we have to set it out before we go to my Dad's because she is always asleep when we get home. Santa's milk and cookies (the extra plate is for Mrs. Clause)
She even left him directions of who's was who's
She is so cute
We made reindeer food for her pre-school friends this year. It was so easy and she had a lot of fun.
And who doesn't like to lick the beaters?.....Aubree. I know she is weird but she told me it's gross. She didn't mind sticking her fingers in the bowl but she just didn't want to lick the beaters. We will have to work on that one.
We hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas!!! All of our love to our family and friends!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Thankful doesn't cover it...

I just wanted to tell everybody how much their prayers and thoughts helped over this roller coaster of an event. God works in mysterious ways and does things in our lives to teach us. I have learned, taken notes even. I know that prayers work and bring comfort, God loves us. Nate and his Dad and Brother are all home safe and sound. I have had him in my life longer than without. I wouldn't know how to breath without him. He has such an amazing family too. I never knew strength until I saw the way his Mom handled this situation. She was stopping at nothing to make sure that her boys were coming home. I don't know how she did it but I know she was strong for Jade and I. If we felt she was panicking it was only for a split second and quickly returned to rock status. I want to especially thank my Dad and Karen. I am not great at keeping a level head and without you guys I would have been a true mess. My friends Heidi, Natalie and my sister Keri: I love you guys and thanks for everything. And of course my brothers, DJ and Shane. I love you guys so much and I am so thankful you went out there, knowing I was getting up to the second information helped me keep some of the hair on my head instead of pulling it all out. I just want to shout from the mountain tops thanks to everybody. I can't believe how many people came out of the wood work and were ready to leave without a second thought. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!!!

And Nate: If you think you are ever going hunting again-you've got another thing coming. I love you more than you can ever know!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Lights in Ogden

Nate and Ben went hunting and DJ is sick so being the awesome Mom's that we are we decided to take the kids to pizza and then to see the lights in Ogden. I am glad we had the chance to go before it snowed and got too cold. We all had fun even though keeping tabs on the kids was kind of hard. They were really excited and wanted to see everything which means they were on the run. Makes for nervous Moms in downtown Ogden. Thanks Kenlee and Bubba for going, Aubree had a blast!!!