There are a few websites that I check regularly, as in
every day. As soon as I log online in the morning, I check my email, check my Facebook, check some news, and then I visit some of my favorite sites and I thought I'd be nice and share them with you all!
Layer Cake Shop: Seriously, the
cutest baking site I've seen in a while. I L.O.V.E. their cupcake baking cups and their cupcake kits, although their other things (sprinkles, candies, boxes, etc) are super adorable too. They have something for pretty much every occasion and are really cheap too. LOVE that it is all about cupcakes and baking. Totally my thing.
Kyla's Kreations: This is where I buy all my bows for Olivia and Madelynn. She also makes interchangeable headbands in nylon and crochet. She has a ton of colors and lots of fun ideas, and you can't beat $2 flat shipping, no matter how many bows you order. Her bows usually have a non-slip clip too, which I really like. She's super nice too!
Sister's Cafe: I love this recipe site. It's a lot like my recipe blog, where most of the recipes are not the authors, but recipes that they have gotten from websites, TV shows or friends and familie members and they post them on their site for people to see. They have a lot of fun dishes and I've tried a few that I really like.
Picky Palate: This woman actually makes up her own recipes for the most part and has been on Food Network Challenges and has won lots of recipe contests. I've made a lot of her things and have never been disappointed. She is a big chocolate fan too, which never hurts.
Bakerella: Are you sensing a theme here? Anyway, Bakerella is everything dessert. She makes these cute little cake pops that are super easy to make and way cute. I've made some of her cupcakes and tortes before and have always loved them (a little too much!). She is funny too.
Cake Wrecks: Last but not least, Cake Wrecks is seriously funny. It's a site that I'm sure most of you have seen or heard about. It shows professional cakes (like store ones or bakery ones, or even ones done by regular ol' people) and how they can be done terribly but
funny! I always go to this site for a laugh!
Well, I hope you enjoy this list! On my sidebar there are a few more sites that I love, like my friend Mary's craft blog and my friend Summer's etsy store as well as some others. LOVE those sites too. Mary's blog is all about cheap ways to be crafty and redo things, like how to reupholster a chair for cheap. Summer's store is super cute and I have a few of her wooden boards in my own home. Check them out!